Katie 6

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This is it, I hope she says yes I thought. I sat with Katie in the mall cafeteria and we ate our food, "hey Katie" I said to her. She looks up at me to wait for a response, "I... well I always liked you since the day I've met you and I dont know if you feel the same way but, will you go with me?" I asked. "I'm sorry Jason, I only see us as friends" Katie told me while looking at me. I'm filled with sadness, I cant deal with his anymore, she sends mixed signals and this happens. "Its alright" I said, great now it is awkward between us. Katie wanted to leave so I dropped her off at home, I drove home and sat in my room. "Jason, time to go" Zaro told me while sitting on my window sill. Yeah, a creepy grown man sitting on my window sill that's not odd at all. I got suited up in the restroom and jumped out of my window. "Targets up ahead" Dan whispered, "we need to take information from him... keep him alive" Zaro stated. "You ready Jas-" I immediately jumped down and took down 4 guards from our target. I smacked the man to the ground and pulled him up by his collar. "Where is your meeting going down?" I demanded for an answer. Dan and Zaro landed next to me, "what the fuck Jason!" Zaro screamed. "We were supposed to follow him" Dan said. I ignored, "I wont ask again" I stated, "fuck you" the man told me. I slit his throat and let him fall gasping for air. "Hey what are you doing!?" Dan yelled at me. I walked past them with a pissed look. The man died and laid there on the floor in a pool of his own blood. As we parkoured thorough the rooftops jumping from roof to roof Dan was silent for a while. "What the fuck happened to you?" Dan asked, I stopped and kneed him in the stomach. Zaro ran to me and I flipped him on his back. My hidden blade came out and I held it near Dan's throat. "Don't... Fucking worry about it or question me" I said to him. I let the hidden blade slide back into place and continued running from rooftop to rooftop. Yes I was pissed but I guess I was going a little too far I thought.

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