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Daniel sits against the tree, staring blankly into the blanket of leaves above him.  

He's continued to sit here since Natalee disappeared. He had looked around, searching desperately for some sort of sign as to where she had gone, but had found nothing except the obvious evidence of a struggle around the tree. Other than that, no path, no more marks, nothing.  

So he's still here, hoping that she'll reappear. He finished the woman off yesterday. Her dead body still lies on the ground a few feet away from him. He's afraid that if he gets up to dispose of it, he could miss Natalee returning. Of course, at this point, he knows it's unlikely she'll be coming back here. But he has no idea where else to go.

He barely knows anything about being a vampire, as Natalee herself had known little, and she had been the one to begin his instruction on the subject. He doesn't know any vampire places, and he certainly doesn't know any other vampires. He knows of Ryffin, but that's still not someone he'd like to meet, if he even knew how to find him. He knows of Nelye, but that's someone he definitely doesn't want to meet. From what Natalee had told him, he gathered that she wasn't fond of Nelye, and that the woman wasn't someone who would be willing to help him, especially in this venture.

The fact of the matter is, even if he wanted to find any other vampires, he has no idea where to look. He's lost, drowning in this new world already. First Olivia is taken from him, then Natalee; because it's clear that she was kidnapped. Daniel had tried to think of any other possibilities, not wanting to dwell on the idea that people were after Natalee, that they want to hurt her, that he had failed in protecting her. Although he may have needed instruction, Natalee was the one who had grown weak, the one that needed help. Daniel feels stronger than ever... or else, he did, until yet another of his friends was swept out of his grasp.

Not knowing what else to do, Daniel squeezes his eyes shut and thinks of Natalee's house in Leewood. Her room, the room where his body had begun to Change. He pictures it in his mind, and wills himself to go. He feels the familiar whooshing sensation, and the next second, he knows he's there, before even opening his eyes.

This is the only other place he knows that she might come back to. He doubts that Natalee would remember the tree area enough, due to the state she was in, to teleport back there if given the opportunity. Her house is his best chance.

Dan sits on the edge of the bed, wishing he could do more, hating himself because he simply doesn't know how he can. He rests his head on his fist, unable to get the image of Natalee's gaunt face, her dying body, out of his head. If the person who took her did so with the intention of hurting her, she's probably already dead. There's no way she can survive much longer, especially if she's being tortured.

But why? Why was she taken? What did she do? Daniel scowls to himself as these questions all run through his mind. It's probably because of Ryffin. The way Natalee talked about him, you might not think he was all that bad a guy. But Daniel finds that an impossible idea to consider; the bastard killed a bunch of girls here in Leewood, he probably even killed Olivia and Emily, too. Natalee never told him exactly what happened to those two, and he had never pushed her. He's not sure he's ready to hear what happened to his girlfriend, anyway.

But if it turns out that Ryffin killed Olivia, or that he's the reason Natalee may be dead now... he's going to have hell to pay.

For now, Daniel has nothing to do but wait. 

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