Chapter 26

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Like a fresh painting spoiled by water, everything around her appeared blurred and distorted. Dani wiped at the tears in her eyes while thoughts of Jax in danger traipsed through her head. Both Oliver and Calvin had refused to take her to the hospital, forcing Dani to make her way to the bus stop.

She passed King's Diner, a twinge of regret filling her as she remembered Oliver's disappointed look when she left her apartment.

"Not now, Dani," she muttered to herself, pushing aside the emotions that were urging her to explain her reasoning to the man she considered a father.

Angry curses in front of the diner caught her attention. Two men were ganging up on a blonde man. Dani continued at her rushed pace towards the bus stop.

"I don't want any trouble guys," the blonde said loudly.

Dani stopped and slowly turned her head back to the men. She forced herself to focus on their target. It was Donovan.

"Dammit," she hissed.

"I don't know what you did to piss this guy CJ off, but he wants you gone," one of the men sneered as his shaved head glistened with sweat.

"I don't know a CJ," Donovan held his hands up in front of him. "You've got to be looking for someone else."

"No, it's you pal," the other thug laughed. "We got a picture and everything. He hired us to hurt you."

"Please, don't do this," Donovan begged. "I swear I don't know a CJ."

"Well he knows you and he paid us good money to get rid of you," the shaved man said, dragging Donovan towards the back of the diner.

A wave of nausea rolled through Dani as she realized her friend was about to be hurt. She clutched her phone and called the police.

"Hello, I'm at King's Diner off of Main Street and there's two men attacking my friend. Please send someone quickly."

Dani didn't stay on the line. She knew Jax was waiting at the hospital and as much as she wanted to see him, she knew he'd do the exact same thing if he were in her situation. Dani pulled out a small pink tube from her purse and ran to the back of the diner.

"Hey!" she shouted as one of the men kicked Donovan to the ground. "I called the cops! They're on their way!

"No, Dani! Get out of here!" Donovan croaked. His knees and palms were on the ground and blood streaked down his chin.

"Look here Pauly. She wants to play," the bald man grinned at his partner.

"I should warn you two that my boyfriend is a detective."

"We don't care," Pauly said, taking a step closer to Dani.

"You should."

He took another step closer and Dani's hand tightened around the pink tube she had hidden in her palm.

"Well your boyfriend isn't here now and it's going to take a while for the cops to show up," the bald man said. "So why should we care if your boyfriend is a detective?"

Pauly was now less than a foot away from Dani.

"Because a few weeks ago he wanted to make sure I could defend myself and bought me this," Dani held up her hand and pressed the nozzle of the pink tube.

Pauly grabbed his face and screamed, "Mace!"

"You're going to pay for that!" the bald man ran forward but Dani sprayed her pink tube at him as well.

"Donovan, hurry and get up! We need to get out of here!" Dani cried as Donovan slowly rose to his feet. She grabbed his hand and the two sprinted away from the diner.

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