Unmarked Mates - Chapter 14

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Enjoy :)

Chapter 14

The last two hours were spent with me looking for Evelyn.  Every face I saw either ignored me or walked back to where they came from. Nice way to treat your future Queen. This castle was so big that even during my childhood; I had never even seen half of it.

Cassandra was getting what she wanted, to keep me within these walls. That is until I find Eve and get the hell out of here.

“Lana?” Hope was exactly what I needed right now, and that voice gave me exactly that.

“Uncle? Uncle John? Thank God!”

Tears welled up in my eyes as Uncle John strode towards me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. This man was the closest I had to a father and I knew deep in my heart that I was the closest he had to a daughter.

“Let me look at you.” He gently gripped my shoulders and pulled me back, “You haven’t changed a bit.” He smiled. The exact way my father had always smiled at me.

This man looked almost identical to my father and at times I wanted to call him that, to pretend my father didn’t die a horrible death; that he was still with us. But I didn’t. It wouldn’t be right.

Placing my hands on his, I removed them from my arms and gripped them, hard.

“You have no idea how pleased I am to see you,” I whispered, just as a guard dressed in black stared at us from around the corner. Not just any guard, one of the Queen’s personals.

“John, you have to help me, “I pleaded. The guard had left, “Please.”

Those green eyes of his flashed with worry, “What is it, Lana?”

“Help me find Eve and get us out of here.”

“John!” Queen Cassandra appeared out of nowhere as if she was Harry Houdini. This was not good for me.

I ignored her completely, “John, please!”

“That is quite enough. Guards!”

Hands grabbed my arms and attempted to drag me away. I say attempted because Uncle John grabbed me and pushed me behind him.

He turned to the Queen. “What is it, mother?” His voice was calm.

“John, you stay out of it,” Her voice was equally calm.

“You know I won’t.

“I know.” Her eyes had turned black, “Do us all a favour and accompany Svetlana to the front gate. Her two lovers are here to see her.”


“Svetlana,” She spoke directly to me now. “Go out to the front gate, tell those two mutts that you’re fine and come back in.”

I was so confused that I almost forgot how much I hated her.

I stepped out from behind John, “I don’t understand.”

“What’s there not to understand? I need for you to tell those two men that they’re not welcome here. What are their names again?”

He question was directed to the guards.

“Taylor and Cody-Valdez.” One spoke.

I am a woman that barely curses but right then and there, I wanted to swear my ass off.

While muttering curses under my breath, I ran down the hall and somehow found the front door to the castle. The gates were a good few hundred metres away but I managed to run that too.

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