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This is your mixed race son: Oliver Flynn Hemmings
Eyes: dad blue eyes!!
Body: tall AF and kinda thin but he's still got a slightly muscular build.
Personality: very charming doesn't care about sports that much but he knows enough to talk when he hangs with the guys. He and his sister are both surfers. He also talks a lot and is goofy but Calums son is trying to help him be more suave with the ladies lol.
Hobbies/talents: he sings really great and he and calums son are always going out for crazy nights of mischief and he really enjoys just chilling and listening to music on the beach! (He nd his sister are total beach bums!)
Fav song: any type of indie/boho music really and a lil hip hop too.
Height: 6'4"
Best friend: Cals son
What he drives: convertible audi r8 in white (but when he and his sister head to the beach t use there shared vw bus(google it- it's a surfer classic lol)

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