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Ashton always kept his camera on him because he recently had gotten into photography. And his favorite muse/inspiration for pictures was of course you. However one day you where walking down the sidewalk with Ashton and he had been a little stressed lately as his growing fame could have a heavy pressure affect on him. And you weren't the best dancer in the world especially not in the heels you where currently wearing. But you hated seeing your lovable boyfriend look so gloomy and you knew that he always loved how adorable he thought you looked dancing. So you ran a few feet ahead of him (not easily in the heels might I add) and came to a halt and turned around making a goofy face at him. Causing him to stop walking and look up confused. Then you stomped one foot down and yelled very loudly for the whole street to hear making an extremely goofy smile "I love you AASSSHHHH! You are amazing don't ever forget ittt ! I WONT LET YOU! AND NOW...." You made a drum roll by stomping your heels (earning looks from strangers even the mobs of fans stopped to see what you were doing) "WE DANCE! THIS IS FOR YOU ASHTON!" You then smiled big and started dancing goofily looking only at him. He started smiling almost immediately laughing but more with you not at you and he snapped the pic and said "LOVE YOU TOO (Y/N)!!!" And joined you in your dance and eventually so did the mob of fans and a dance party on the sidewalk started and got even better when one of the fans had a speaker and played some music. After that he kept the photo he took of you forever and posted it on all his social media saying what an amazing girl you are and he couldn't have asked for anyone better than (y/n). He even got the pic on a shirt and kept a copy in his wallet.

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