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This is your mixed race daughter Olivia grace Irwin.
Eyes: she got Ashton's green eyes
And she's got a dimple on her non visible cheek In this pick.
Her natural hair is wavy
Body: thin and cute
Height: 5ft 6inch
She is a book worm reading is everything to her and she loves metal punk and indie music
Hobbies/talents: she Is an educational queen she studies and is great with business and she cannot sing the greatest but enough but she is the most amazing dancer!
Personality: shy and quiet and doesn't talk much but guys think she is adorable so Ashton is strict with her!
BFF: even though they are almost polar opposites Michael's daughter.
Fav song: come as you are by nirvana
She drives a pale blue convertible VW buggy (she's not flashy about  anything she quite modest actually)

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