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Whenever it was cold you would want to do nothing but sleep and cuddle. And so Luke would always notice you napping on the couch and come over leaning in close to your face to whisper something like "mind if I join you?" And you would sleepily give a smile and say "mhm" and he would immediately lay with you on the small couch and wrap both arms around you and one leg to completely cover your smaller body and you would say "Luke what are you doing?" With a kind of giggle, and he would say "well I noticed you didn't have a blanket so I thought we could keep each other warm... But if you want me to move I can..." And of course you would pull him back down to where he was on you before and say "no, stay! You make a good blanket Lukey" and you would both giggle and proceed to take a nap like that.

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