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Wednesday 8:30 A.M

I stretch my arms out trying to wake myself up i seriously HATE mornings! But this morning is different, this morning i woke up thinking about Broyce. I thought about how sexy his body was and how his black hair had his blue eyes stand out. Speaking of his eyes, they reminded me of something wild.. like a wolf maybe, ha! thinking about it i could see him possibly be a wolf, i mean he looks better then Jacob in Twilight! Not that Jacob isn't hot its just that, well, Broyce is better. I get up and walk to my closet wondering what i could where today maybe to impress Broyce. I pulled out a denim mini skirt and a white tank with a denim vest over. No Azuli! Bad girl! you really shouldn't be wearing this my brain is telling me, then another part of me is saying "go for it girl! strut your stuff!" i took the good side and decided to change into Shorts and a lose black shirt with black flats i brushed my strait long hair into a high ponytail with my hair reaching down to my lower back. i grab my backpack ans start to walk to the door. when i reach my red car get in and buckle myself just in case some crazy decides to kill me and try to crash into me.

I drive into the parking lot and park right next to Bright pink buggy and not so surprised a girl with a pink short skirt and a white tank with pink healed boots steps out like she owns the damn place. shes one of those perky I'm too good for everyone kind of girls. She closes her car door and walks past me like i never was there. she stopped and turned around and faces me with a smug look "what the fuck are you?" She says while one hand is one her hip and her pink bag in the other. " excuse me? what are you talking about?. "ugh never mind" and like that the devil walks away. I shrug and walk inside to my first class i go and sit at the desk in the back and Broyce comes in and smiles at me "well hello there princess you look cute today" he sit besides me and outs his arm around me. "hah well thank you Mr. Hot stuff." I smile back feeling a Rush of blood going to my face. Everyone was seated in class and were about ready to start until the she devil walked in. She walked toward where me and Broyce were and pecked him on the cheek."Hey baby! have u missed me?! I love that shirt on you babe it looks so sexy!" she sat on the other side of him. I felt like diying and hated myself for even trusting him! That's what you get when you go out with the hot guy of the school Azuli! "Hey princess its not what you think.." before he could say anything Else i cut him off. "just shut it! i Understand you don't need to explain to me anything." He looked at me with a shocked face the turned a bright red color. we all shut up and the teacher went on with the class. My teacher was tall and fit and was pale white, but not the bad pale more like the pretty feminine pale. He looked fit and had goldish/honey colored eyes but was nothing compared to Broyce. "Forget about him he played you over!" I tell myself. we had short schedule today so the bell rang early. I quickly grabbed my bag and ran out of the class room before I could get any explanations from Broyce. I went to my next class and sat in the back like I usually do. I don't know why i just don't feel comfortable sitting in the front. I feel like everyone is watching me. I pulled out my Journal and started doing the exercisethat was on the bored. Broyce came and sat next to me and i felt like turing to him and just kissing him, but he hurt me i wish i really didnt have these feelings. "Azuli can we talk after school please?" I guess i could give him a chance right? "yea But its got to be quick"He looked at me and his eyes looked like they were geting darker blue for second. "Thanks princess" He turned back around and started doing his work.

After school came and my nerves where out of control. Honestly I i wasn't sure if i wanted to here what he was going to tell me. I felt goose bumps ride up my neck and warmth near my back"hey princess Lest go to your house and talk, I want this to be private." I turned around and studied him for a moment. " ok meet you there." and I got in my car and drove to my house. I pulled in my driveway and i saw that Broyce was already here waiting on my front porch.

"so you gonna explain" I said feeling like he might make up a story."can we go inside princess, I think you might wanna sit down after this conversation." Fine I guess but don't try anything stupid". I unlocked the door and went strait to the living room and sat on my big black couch that is across from the T.V..he sat right next to me and placed his arm song Me. "That girl you saw is my ex girlfriend. We broke up because I caught her cheating on me with another guy. She asked for forgives and of we could get back together." He looked at me and just started for a moment. I started feeling a rise in my stomach feeling scared of what his answer was."well then what, you obviously said yes to her Broyce." He placed his hand on the side of my face."patient princess I'm getting to that point...I declined her offer and said if she could win my heart over before I find my mate I would get back with her. Azuli I found my mate, and my mate is you,I love you. I know you don't understand now but I will show you little by little what I mean. I don't want to lose you because of what you'll see." I felt warmth rush through my while body and shuddered. "tell me now or show me what your talking about now if you do love me. If I am your mate or whatever it is them I truly won't run. He quickly got up and took his clothes off owning only his boxers on. "princess I love you." He looked at me one time and shifted into a big black wolf with black eyes.

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