And Back...

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"It's okay, we'll get him back. We'll get him back, don't worry."

"How are you so calm? Jay, he just took our baby. Drew. He's gone. We may never see him again!"

"Erin, calm yourself. It's okay. It's gonna be fine. What do you remember?"

"Um... Black hair, blue eyes, tall, maybe 5'6, late 20's early 30's. He came in asking to use the phone, I was holding Drew. I put him down to go get his bottle and his bib and when I came back, the man was holding him. He took off that way," she stated, pointing, "I chased him but then some girl stuck something in my leg. I don't remember what it was, but it hurt. She took it with her."

"Can you describe her?" Jay asked. They both went inside and he was writing this down.

"Yeah, she's a blonde, a teen, maybe 18 or 19, she was average height, 5'4. She ran fast. Faster than the male." Erin stated.

I wanted to state something before I actually write this, but I suck at cases, so its mostly just gonna be a summary of the case, no actual fighting or shooting or investigation stuff. Anyways...

Jay called Erin up to tell her the news. The good news. "Erin? We got him. Drew. I've got him. They've got the abductees, Keegan and Abby Fuller, brother and sister, the male and female you saw. We got them with Drew. Drew's fine he's..."

"You got him? He's okay? Can you bring him home?" Erin sobbed.

When she saw Drew and his beautiful eyes, his daddy's eyes, she cried. She loved seeing those eyes. Loved his eyes, Jay's eyes, their faces, and she loved loving them. Luckily, she still gets the pleasure to love both of them.

"Drew Henry James Halstead. A warm welcome sight...I love you, both of you." Erin looked at both Jay and Drew.

"I love you too. And you." Jay told Erin, then letting Drew squeeze his index finger tightly.

What a life I've had, a life worth living. Yet its not done, I'm only half way through it. I still have a lifetime of loving this life, my family and all of my friends so let me start now, lets love this life.

Jay had these words put on the back of a picture frame. He then put a photo of Erin, Drew, and himself inside the frame. He wrapped it up, and would soon give it to Erin.

By then Drew was almost one. The day he turned one, they had party, they had all of their friends, all of their family.

"The best gift I got? That'd be Drew." Erin stated. Kissing Drew on the forehead. She had had J-D-E carved onto her wedding ring. It meant Jay, Drew, Erin. She also got this from Jay, along with the picture and its frame. Jay borrowed her ring and had it engraved with the initials, that way she remember them forever.

That night while laying in bed they just looked into each other's eyes. Just staring. Watching. Loving.

"Erin, I'm glad we didn't go to that high school reunion of yours."

"Why do you say that?" Erin asked.

"That's when our first spark turned into and eternal fire. Our first spark was the day we first met, but that day was the wood finally catching fire and never burning down. When it goes low, we add more love, more wood, and them its up in flames again. Fire is our symbol, in my view." Jay stated. He just expressed his true thoughts, his true feelings. He loved that when he told her, she agreed.

"Fire. It keeps you warm in the cold of the night." Erin started. She scooted in closer and hugged Jay. They lie there, on the bed, hugging and kissing.

"Night, love you."

"Go'night, love you too."

And they both closed their eyes and fell asleep.

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