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"Hey, you're awake." Jay said to Erin.

"Yeah, Drew? Is he...?"

Jay started crying.

"He's dead?" Erin breathed, about ready to cry.

"No, god no. He's healthy and perfect and he's completely wonderful." Jay stated.

"What happened?" Erin asked.

"You...that man Mikael, he... he stabbed you. Thankfully missing Drew, but he did put Drew in distress so that had to do a c-section. Now we are here. The Docs said we could see the baby in an hour or so, they just have to finish their tests." Jay stated.

"Oh...Is it possible to see him now?" Erin asked, crying.

"I dunno, they haven't told me anything yet." Jay confessed. "I'll go ask." He stated. As he walked out, Voight walked in.

"Hey, you weren't supposed to get stabbed, you know?"

"Hank, now's not the time to joke."

"What's wrong, Erin?"

"I haven't seen my baby, and I practically almost killed him."

"NO. You didn't almost kill him, that wasn't your fault, if anything it was mine. Mikael was a friend of mine, but I arrested him 10 years ago for drug abuse, I guess he wanted revenge. But it isn't your fault."

"Hank, come and give me a hug." She ordered, stretching her arms out. Voight gave her the biggest bear hug anyone could ever get.

"I love you." Erin stated.

"I love you too." Voight responded.

In the middle of their hug, they could hear wheels, wheeling across the ground.

"Look who I've got!!" Jay excitedly said. He picked up Drew and walked over by Erin. Slowly, he placed Drew into Erin's calm, loving, safe, warm arms as he sat down in the chair.

"Drew Henry James Halstead. Is that your name?" She said, playfully, watching Drew's smirk. "You have the same smirk your father has." She stated.

"Huh, well he is a Halstead...and we all have that smirk..." Jay confessed.

"I know, and that's one thing I love about Drew, he's half yours, half mine." Voight sat back and watched the couple talk. They were definitely in love.

"I approve." Voight stated.

"You approve of what?" Jay asked.

"You two---being together." Voight stated.

"Hank, would you like to hold him?" Erin asked.

"Of course I would!" He said, cheerfully. He stood up and walked over to Erin. He took Drew out of her hands and comforted his head. "Drew....what a wonderful name, you really are going to get all of the ladies, aren't you?" He asked Drew, knowing, of course that he wouldn't talk back. Drew laughed.

Everyone soon came in. Burgess, Ruzek, A. Dawson and G. Dawson, Mouse, Al, Atwater, Roman, even Platt and Mouch, and of course, Jay and Voight were already there. It's kind of weird, having Mouch and Mouse in the same room.

Everyone took turns holding Drew, and they all stated how beautiful or handsome he was. When Drew and Erin got tired, Jay cleared out the room, and watched as his family slept, peacefully.

Erin opened her eyes to see Jay resting along with Drew. Drew had woke up earlier, but Jay comforted him and he rested again.

A week later, they took Drew home. They hadn't had his nursery made yet, so they just bought a portable crib to use for a bit. Jay put a crib up after they painted the room aquamarine. They put up picture of dogs and some train and plane stickers on the wall. The crib was placed neatly on the side of the room next to the changing station. Everything was set up and looked nice a little after a week after they brought Drew home.

"Erin, you can take Drew up to see his room." Jay stated.

"He's sleeping. But he'll be up soon, so we'll do it then, for now he can sleep here." Erin replied, watching Drew sleep in his portable crib.

A half an hour later, Drew woke up, screaming and crying, so Erin fed him. Not long after his weary eyes were shutting until something started to smell really bad, which followed a loud fart. Drew woke up and giggled. Erin plugged her nose. "Phew... that reeks." She breathed out.

She held Drew with both hands while going up the stairs. She laid him on the changing bed and went to grab some diapers. When she turned around, Drew was on the floor crying. She rushed over to him and picked him up.

"What happened?" Jay asked, running into the room.

"He rolled over, he fell. I'm... I'm officially the worst mom in the world." Erin stated, handing Drew over to Jay. Erin walked out of the room crying. Somehow she messed up, but in her mind, she messes everything up.

"I'm gonna take Drew to Med, to make sure everything is fine. Want to come with?"

"No, I'll probably screw up, just... just go without me." She said sobbing as she grabbed a glass of water. When they left she started yelling at herself. "YOU ARE THE WORST MOM! YOU ARE A SCREW UP. YOU SHOULDN'T BE ALIVE. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD. YOU SHOULDN'T BE TAKING CARE OF A BABY IF YOU CAN'T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. YOU SHOULD BE DEAD." She shouted at herself, punching the wall. Leaving blood stains on the wall. Her knuckles were bloody from all of the punching she had just did. She took one last swing and punched a fist-size hole in the wall. She was giving up.

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