Love, a "funny" thing

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"I think we should get married ASAP." Jay stated.
"Nah. I want to wait, until we are stable." She responded.
"Stable? We aren't stable?" He asked.
"No, that...that came our wrong. Until we have enough money, until we can afford all of it, until we know for sure we won't split up. Which I....I doubt we will."
"But there is a thought that we will. How could you think that?" Jay confusingly asked.
"No, your taking this all wrong. I just think we should wait."
"Oh. If you said that at the beginning, it would have been a lot less....whatever that was. Yeah. I agree, we should wait." Jay stated then kissed her cheek. "I have a gift for you."
"What do you mean?"
"Why exactly do you have a gift for me?" Erin asked.
"Oh, yeah. Today marks the day that I first saw you. Ever. And that day I loved you. I thought you were incapable and....not the point. Underneath that I also thought you were honest, loving, beautiful. So I marked that day and one day, when this would happen, I would give you this."
"Really? You did that for me? That doesn't really sound like you..." Erin said.
"Okay, I looked at our records, but here you go." He handed her the present and she took it. She inspected it for a moment. Then she opened it. Inside was a box. I side the box was another one. Inside that one was a note. And that note said, yesterday, on a scale of 1-10 I loved you at a 1986, today its more like 36190. But I never stated all the reasons I love you. So from today, for a whole year, I'm going to give you a poem containing one reason why I love you. Or maybe not a poem, but just one word. It depends. :)

"So what today's?" Erin asked.
"Today's what?" She slightly moved the paper. "Oh. Yeah. Here it goes. Honesty. Super. Perfection. You. Imperfection. Jokester. Hard to love. Me. But for some odd reason you love me. This isn't perfect. But its me. It doesn't fit your perfection. But one day, when we become Mr. And Mrs. Whomever we want, then maybe I'll be that perfection. I don't know what I wouldn't had done if I never met you. I probably wouldn't. I probably wouldn't be dreading my decision to five you this. But I love you and all your perfection. So I'm hoping that you love me and all my imperfections. I know it didn't rhyme or anything. But it describes one thing I love about you. How you love me, and that your perfect. Because you love the guy that is way off, as in below, your level."
"Of course that not a poem. But it did win my heart. Now how bout, after work today, we go straight home, your place and we...." Erin didn't finish before Jay jumped in to answer.
"Yeah. I would love to."
"How did you know what I what I was going to say?"
"What were you going to say?"
"Your place and we write an actual poem."
"You see, I knew...---...wait, Sorry I'm busy today."
"That was code. But your busy...I guess you'll just 'write it on your own'."
"Wait. Erin. I'm free...." He tried to stop her as she giggled and smiled as she walked away."
"Don't worry. I'll see you tonight...." Erin said. Then giggled.
"Damn, girls and their 'codes'." He said to himself then went to work.

Sorry, I'm not gonna do a lot of those cases. I just, I'm not good at writing them. So if someone wants to help. Send me a message or something. You will be credited. Also it's mostly just gonna be about Linstead, ya know, their love story.

The final thing. I know this one was short but I felt like I needed to put this out so I'm putting this out. And I'm also going to make the next one a couple thousand words.

Chicago PD: LinsteadWhere stories live. Discover now