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so i got tagged in this questionare thingy mi bob and you guys should already i know that i love answering questions and talking about me so

imma tag: mightylarry malumslillies PapiDelRey- 1-800-LASHTON and pitifuls

i was tagged by xbluehemmingsx and -criedwolf so even if i shouldn't be imma answer both set of questions

so lets get it poppin'

these are -criedwolf 's questions so yesyes

1. why did you want to start writing?

idek tbh. i kinda used to be really into phanfics and i would read all these cool ones and get inspired but never write, but then i found this prompt and i got writing and i actually really enjoyed it.

2. what are your fav and least fav ships and why?

i dont wanna offend anyone but my least fav would have to be muke, like idek. like you could show me any proof of them and id still hate it idk.

and favourite would probably be malum since irl malum is real af and au malum is cute af

3. favourite bands/artisits?

i actually have a scale from top to bottom of my three fav bands which are;

panic! at the disco
fall out boy and

and as for artists, im a lowkey stan of taylor swift, but dont tell anyone.

4. have you ever cried while reading a fanfic?

too many times to count tbh

5. would you rather know how you die or when?

probably know bc then i could avoid it, whereas when, id just start panicking and probably faint from the stress.

6. if you had 5 minutes with your fav band member what would you say to them?

id tell them theyre v pretty and ask them if they are pleased with my soul that i sold to them.

7. have you ever thought about running away?

( oh do you wanna run away sorry )

i dont think i have. school is the worst for me tbh, so sometimes i wish i could change my school, but never run away. i try and stay positive most of the time.

8. do you have internet friends?

yes, im not that lame. ( jk but yeah, although im not gonna shoutout all of them bc im scared ill miss one out and get hated on )

9. ice cream or cake?

can i have both?

10. favourite youtuber(s)?

i love shane to bits so probably him.

and now xbluehemmingsx 's questionzz :

1. would you rather night time or day time for the rest of your life?

i would say night time bc its aesthetically pleasing, but night time is also when murders come out so imma have to say day time.

2. if you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

i was gonna say pizza, but i realise that after a while itd get so gross, but like it depends if its proper italian pizza, bc if its dominos pizza id rather starve. (if u like dominos plz dont fight me )

3. would you rather have a member of 5sos do you in a pool or watch lashton do it?

uhhhhh. the second one ?? bc i could just hide in a bush and cover my eyes if it gets too graphic.

4. whats your fav song atm and why?

the good, the bad, and the dirty by panic! at the disco. idk why its just like a really good song.

5. dwayne johnson or john cena?

dwayne johnson because he guest starred in hannah mon-


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not but srsly dwyane johnson.

6. describe me in 10 words.


7. whats your least fav meme and why?

me and bc its lame af. i wouldnt recommend that meme.

8. whats your fav kink?

uh, well fanfic wise, any tbh, but nOT PAIN KINK BC OMG NO THANK WHAT THE HELL

9. would you rather bathe im scolding hot chocolate or french kiss a monkey?

i guess i could cool the chocolate milk down? or drink it? idk i just dont wanna kiss a monkey um

10. what are your fav and least fav words and why?

my favourite words are ones that have the sound "ect" in it bc idk i like how it sounds.

my least favourite words are ones that have a "cluh" sound bc they sound disgusting.

bUt yEah tHat iS ALL

i suck at questions so if you're tagged, just answer any from the ones i answered bc im too lazy to come up with original content

but yeah !! adios children !!

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