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"Hey, you haven't visited Juliet in a while. What's it been, like, three weeks?" Michael asked. Ashton had officially been named Juliet by him.

"Uh. I dont know, actually." Luke replied, realising it had been a while since Ashton and him had seen each other.

I mean they had texted, and obviously had seen each other while they were at work, but they hadn't spoken face to face in a while.

"Huh. I'm surprised. I thought you were 'madly in love' with him."

"Shut up." Luke rolled his eyes. "I'll talk to him after work."

"You better."


"Hey Ash?" Calum asked from across the shop. It had been a quiet day, so there were no customers at that moment.

"Yeah, Cal?"

"When's the last time you and Luke spoke?"

"Oh, well, that was -- uh -- " Ashton paused, as he perked up realising that him and Luke hadn't spoken face to face in a while.

"Why don't you talk to him after work?" Calum suggested.

"Good idea. I actually kinda miss him -- " Ashton smiled to himself.

"Aw, Ashy's in looovve!"

"Shut it, Calum. I've only known him for a couple of weeks." Ashton retaliated, as he placed a bunch of flowers in a mint green pot.

"And?! Love doesn't have time. Love absolutely crushes time." Calum exclaimed, pretending to crush something in his left hand, with his right fist.

Ashton rolled his eyes.

"I'll talk to him after work, ok? Stop hitting me with your poetic speeches."

"Yeah, yeah."


It was the end of a day's work, and Luke was putting on his coat as Michael packed up the papers into their files.

"Remember? Juliet needs her Romeo." He said with a smirk.

"Yes. You've said that fifty times." Luke said, zipping up his coat. "Why do you care so much?"

"Because." He replied simply. "Now go!"

"Ok! Ok!" Luke rushed out of the shop and froze as he saw Ashton without his uniform on.

He was wearing such pastel colours, that Luke felt as though he was about to faint by how cute he looked. With his oversized lilac sweater, and the adorable flower crown he wore as part of his uniform.

Luke looked down at his own clothes, and noticed that he was just wearing a band tee, and ripped skinny jeans. And his lip ring and tattoos made him far from cute, in his mind.


"Ash!" Calum whined, elongating the 'sh' sound.

"Yes, Cal. I know." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Just stop talking to me and go!" Calum pushed Ashton further out of the shop, and closed the door behind him.

"Jesus Christ." he muttered to himself.

Ashton looked in front of him and saw Luke standing directly opposite him, on the other side of the road.

He waved as Luke waved back, causing Ashton to let off a smile.

Luke decided to start walking forward, Ashton doing the same. They looked around whilst walking meaning they had no clue which direction they were going in.



The two boys looked over at each other, and saw that they had crashed into one another.

They both giggled, as Luke held Ashton's hand to move them out of the street.

Ashton blushed at the blond's action, that Luke obviously did empty-mindlessly.

"I'm surprised you swore, Ashton."

"It slipped..." Ashton said, hiding slightly.

Luke laughed softly at the hazel-eyed boy, as he looked down at him and Ashton's intertwined fingers. Luke looked up and pointed at their joined hands.

"This is ok, right?"

Ashton nodded. "Mm-hm."

"Good, because I might do it a lot..."

They both chuckled, before walking over to a bench and sitting down, their hands still joined.

The two spent the whole evening talking until it was officially too dark to see each other well enough, without the help of the bright street lights.

"Well, I should probably head home." Ashton said sweetly.

"Yeah, me too." Luke agreed.

They both stood up, letting go of each other hands. They didn't want to, but they knew they had to, if they wanted to get home.

Ashton tugged the sleeves of his sweater (causing Luke to stare at him, fondly) and zipped up his coat.

"Hey, um, Ashton?"

"Yeah, Luke?"

"I was wondering-- if -- uh -- we could -- like -- see a movie or something?" Luke asked shyly.

Ashton smiled at him. It was cute seeing someone like Luke be shy. He grabbed both of Luke's hands, looking up at the blond, and into his eyes.

"That would be lovely. Especially if it's with you." Ashton said softly, as the blue-eyed boy smiled. The wavy haired boy went on his tip toes and kissed Luke's cheek.

After an exchange of goodbyes and cute actions, they both went their seperate ways. Both of the boys not able to take off the stupid grin from their faces.

TATTOOS & FLOWERS: LASHTON Where stories live. Discover now