Signs During Classes

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Aries: Is generally loud and gets detentions
Taurus: Will sit there eating and be correcting the teacher
Gemini: Is on their phone during class or talking nonstop to the person next to them  Ugh, during my last class, I sit next to a Gemini... No offense Gemini's.
Cancer: The shy one who leaves class crying
Leo: The one who is always looking a the mirror
Virgo: The teachers pet who has every shade of highlighter
Libra: The one who flirts with everyone but still gets good grades
Scorpio: The one that always talks
Sagittarius: Is always complaining how bored they are
Capricorn: The smart one everyone underestimates
Aquarius: Daydreams but somehow still gets the questions right  😂😂 That's me!
Pisces: The one who always puts their hand up

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