Signs as Stereotypical Teens in High School

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Aries: The one super fast kid that runs like three miles in six minutes   That's like 2 min per mile...
Taurus: The really nice guy that is also pretty popular
Gemini: The kid who messes stuff up
Cancer: The really sweet girls that everyone treats the nicest
Leo: Popular dude because he is loud in class plus all the girls want him
Virgo: The person that everyone depends on and gets sick of everyone not trying
Libra: The popular girl in drama club
Scorpio: The guy who hangs out with a lot of different cliques, basically a wonderer
Sagittarius: The kid who makes fake sexual noises at random times while in class  am I the only one who hate when people do this like seriously grow up
Capricorn: The only person the teacher trusts
Aquarius: The one all the teachers hate, but yet class isn't fun without them    Yesh... We have 3 Aquarius in one of my classes... Best class ever
Pisces: The super awesome artist who some times gets in trouble for doodling in class

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