Signs as How to Know if They Have A Crush On You

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Aries: Talks to you about serious things, in-depth conversations
Taurus: Talks to you about things they really like, smiles a lot around you
Gemini: Giggle at everything. Lots of giggling.
Leo: Plays with your hair, stands by you in a large group of people
Virgo: Seems to have nervous habits, laughs loudly at every joke
Libra: Acts cool around you, seems more chill
Scorpio: Make ten times more jokes than usual, looks into your eyes
Sagittarius: Acts nicer around you, subtly flirts with you
Capricorn: Scratches their nose a lot, looks mostly at you when surrounded by people
Aquarius: Makes lots of peace signs, smiles bigger at you than other people, lip biting
Pisces: They don't act different, but they may try to talk to you more than other people

*Casually checks crushes sign... Throws device across the room...* "They will never like me..." *Cries* Jk.

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