Signs as Their Reactions to a Snowday

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Aries: *Makes hot chocolate and watches a movie*
Taurus: *Builds a snowman*
Gemini: *Tries to have friends over despite the weather*
Cancer: *Watches tv all day*
Leo: *Actually plays in the snow*
Virgo: *Uses the day to do unfinished work*
Libra: "Yay" *Goes to sleep for the rest of the day*
Scorpio: "Today's the day I live my dream" *Does nothing*
Sagittarius: *Runs outside excitedly but forgets to put shoes on*
Capricorn: *Makes snow ice cream*
Aquarius: "I'm tough, watch this" *Steps into shoe with shoes* "I WAS WRONG I AM ONLY A CHILD"    Yeah... It's happened before...
Pisces: *Makes giant snow fort*

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