Chapter 9 (What's The Big Secret?)

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Diamond is ready to set flight to Miami to enjoy her free trip, and relax. As if for now she don't know that it's all payed just for her and Demontre'.  While she is about to leave to load into the plane, she gives her kids the biggest hugs and longest kisses. She has a feeling not to go but at the same time Keem wants her to go enjoy this free opportunity. Even though he don't want her to go. 

Lyric: Girl just go already, your kids will be fine with us. 

With that said Diamond walked off to her plane and thought about what Lyric said. In a weird suspicious tone. "What was there to be worry about anyways I known her for years and I doubt she'll do anything to my kids." Diamond said. What Diamond didn't know there was a secret behind all this. She knew Lyric, but not well enough to be able to call her "family". 


Back than when Diamond met Lyric and had thought that Demontre' had killed himself, Lyric was going thru some problems on her own too. An hour before she had met Diamond she had found out that her brother Keem and his girlfriend couldn't have kids. Keem and his girlfriend told each other they would do anything just to have kids even if they would adopt and treat them as their own. Lyric had knew that they wouldn't be able to adopt and they would find another way. Lyric knew what they were up to and didn't want to be part of it. She had no choice and was dragged into it by force. Lyric tried so hard to forget what she was suppose to do. She took a walk around the city, that's when she had met Diamond and theen her crying. Lyric tried to help her out and keep her company, therefore Lyric needed the company also.


While Diamond was on her way to Florida. Demontre' was getting ready to leave to the airport. He didn't lie to Orchid about going with some old friend, she just don't know who it was. He said his goodbye's to Orchid and told her "I'll be back as soon as possible, take care." While Demontre' was on his way to the airport he had a funny feeling, a feeling he felt when someone he loves is in danger. He sat down on the airplane, wanted all this to be done and over so Diamond can get back with him. He thought Diamond was in danger so he just wanted this plane to hurry up and get to Florida. 

After Demontre' got to Florida he went straight to the hotel where Diamond was staying at. Diamond wasn't in the room so he thought something must have happened to her. He went out to try and look for her but he didn't know where she can be. The first thing that came to his mind is to ask around. No one had seen her. He went back to their hotel room and look out the window. The room was on the very top, it was the 10th level. There was two pools, one by the 8th floor and the other by the lobby. He had seen a girl that looked like diamond at the pool but then thought it couldn't be her because she don't have her kids with her. He had thought about how Keem would try to do something or say shxt to her. As he rushed down to the 8th florr pool to see if that was really Diamond, he seen Orchid with some guy. He ran even faster to Diamond. After he had reach the pool he looked for Diamond till he found her at the bar. 

Demontre': Diamond! Diamond!!!

Diamond: Demontre' what the hell are you doing here? I thought I had left the bullshit back home.

Demontre': I needed to talk to you, and you know damn right I ain't giving up till I'm back with the one I love. Diamond I need you back in my life. I'm sorry i madea huge lie, I'm sorry I wasn't there for my kids but you need to understand that they're my kids not that niggas kids. Ever since I've seen you with him you've changed, and he seems suspicious about things. Baby ask yourself, if I didn't love you will I had set all this free trip just for us to be a family?

Diamond: Well. *Demontre' Cuts Her Off*

Demontre': Wait! Where's the kids? I set it up so we can be a family.

Diamond: Well I took the time to come and relax with no kids no bullshit from you.

Demontre': Well while I was running down to come talk to you I had seen Orchid, a nigga was with her with some ki. . Oh shit Diamond let's go!!!

Diamond: What's wrong? The kids are back home with Keem nigga.

Demontre': Nooo, I think the guy that was with Orchid was Keem, and the kids were our kids.

Diamond: Deomtre' you and your bullshit, ou can't stand me being happy. Fine let's go to where you seen that bitch and from there I'll call keem to make sure the kids are fine.

They rushed back inside and seen Orchid and they guy with kids.

Demontre': Okay Diamond now call Keem.

While Diamond was calling keem, the guys phone has rang, Diamond was surprise. She asked if the kids were fine and the same thing Keem said the guy said. The guy had there back twords them so they couldn't see his face. Demontre' was giving hand signals so Diamond can keep talking to him. After Diamond had hung up all you could here was:

Orchid: Who was that baby?

Guy: That was just my babymomma.

Orchid: I still can't believe you with her, She's nothing compare to me.\

Guy: Mmm you know it mami.

The guy turned sideways and kissed Orchid. As he kissed Orchid Demontre' and Diamond had seen that it was Keem with the kids. The kids had seen they're parents and looked to where they were going. Demontre' and Diamond went into a family bathrrom and didn't lock the door. 

Kids: We need to go to the bathroom, we be back.

Keem: Mhmm hurry.

What the kids actually did was go to the family bathroom they're parents were at and locked the door. They all stayed quiet and waited till they would know Keem would leave. Keem was yelling looking for his "kids" and Orchid was trying to help. They had gone down back to the lobby to report the missing kids. Demontre' and Diamond thought about running back to their hotel room packing there stuff and leaving to a different hotel in a different city where Keem and Orchid won't try to look for them.

As they were packing it wasn't no surprise that they were arguing about all this. They blamed each other and didn't realize that it wasn't their fault that this was happening to them. The only reason Keem and Orchid knew each other was because back than Lyric did the same thing she did to Diamond and help her. But Keem feel in love with Orchid and when they were making love to tryto have kids, Orchid never got pregnant. They had found that that They both couldn't have kids so they decided to do anything as possible just to be parents. First person that crossed into Lyric when she was walking and thinking was Diamond. She had became the victim. 

Demontre' and Diamond and the kids got into the cab and was ready to leave.

Was this mest up?

How is it so far?

Will Demontre' and Diamond get back together?

What will happen to Keem and Orchid and Lyric?


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