Chapter 8 ( Was It A Dream?)

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*Next Day*

As the sun hit the window. Demontre' woke up and starred at Orchid. He looked at her for a minute then went to the bathroom. As he walked in he starred at himself in the mirror and started talking to himself.

Demontre': Was this just a dream? Or was it real? of Orchid did beat up Diamond now she's really not going to let me see my babies. I mean ok a dude would think 2 girls fighting is cool, but I mean Orchid wasn't part of it. Diamond is the mother of my kids and deserves respect. Yes iknow i cheated on her, but not with her best friend. They both betrated me. I felt like a fool hearing the truth in church when I was about to get married with the love of my life, the mother of my children. Then finiding out one of my kids won't be mine? It all hurted me, so I left town and started a new life. I know I was wrong, but I didn't know what to do. 

While Demontre' was in the bathroom, Orchid had woken up and looked that Montre' wasn't in bed. Orchid got up and made the bed, then went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. She had thought about what she have done and didn't know what was wrong with her.

Orchid: Maybe I should go apologize to Diamond, but at the same time she deserved it. While Montre' was out putting food on the table for his family. Diamond was messing around with his bestfriend!I mean his bestfriend! Really? I really don't understand why she would cheat if he's a dreamer. I mean he does keep me happy and puts a smile on my face. What else can go wrong?

Orchid didn't reallu understand the whole situation from Diamonds or a Montre's point of view. Demontre' knows deep down he still loves Diamond, "That nigga Keem putting all these ideas in her head" he said. He thought about going overto Diamond's place and apologizing for what Orchid did, but after the door got slammed on his face, he doesn't want to go back. He tried to think of an idea how to talk to Diamond for the last time alone, No Keem, No Orchid. Just the both of them. He also had forgotten about Lyrics, "How a lil snitch she be etting into people's business." He said. He decided to prank call Diamond saying something about winning a one person trip to a different place, and he'll talk to her there alone. 

Demontre' decided to try up his plan and prank call Diamond saying:"Congratutlation Diamond, you have just recieved a one person trip to Florida and a free room service at South Beach Luxury Hotel."

Diamond had fallen into his trap and she didn't realize it was Montre'. She happily replied: "OMG thank you so much, I can have alone time without anybody bothering me, No drama,nothing. Thank you so much."

Demontre's respond was: "Don't thank me yet ma'am, we have another surprise waiting for you once you get there"
Diamond got even more exited thank the "Man" on the phone and hung up. She started packing her clothes and was excited to tell her ggod news to Lyric and Keem.

*Meanwhile at Montre's*

"I really can't believe it worked" Demontre' said. "I mean I thought it was lame and I mean I need to get ready to leave, but now I need to try and get away from Orchid, I shouldn't lie and just tell her where im going"

Demontre': Baby come here, I have something important to tell you./

Orchid: What's that baby?

Demontre': I ran up to an old friend months back, and I just called them and they want me to go to Florida and meet up with them. I'ma be gone for a week, just letting you know.

Orchid: Oh that's great baby, I'll ask my friends to go out or something while you're gone.

As if they we're both talking to each other in a weird, suspicious way.Are they both hiding something? Things just didn't seem right in this household anymore.

*Back at Diamond's house*

Diamond: Kids, Lyric, Keem, come here please I have some great news.

They had all gathered up to listen to what Diamond had to say.

Diamond: I won a free trip to Florida, ahhhhh! I'ma have some alone time. I mean if you can babysit my kids while I'm on vacation girl?

Lyric: Of course! It be my pleasure, go have fun. Get away from all this.

Keem thought it was kinda awkward and didn't like the idea og her going alone. He decieded to just trust her and let her go alone.

Keem: Ok baby have fun, don't think about no problems just get away from them. You deserve it and our kids will be fine with us. Just remember to call us to see how you're doing and so youcan kep in touch with our kids.

As in enough, Keem kept saying our kids. Lyric and him were also acting so suspicous about things just like Orchid.

Are Lyric, Orchid, Keem hiding something? Why They Being suspicious? What will happen next?

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