Chapter 6

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“Blood Bound”

2011 © All Rights Reserved

Chapter 6

Leo came awake at a start from the subtle knock on his bedroom door. Looking down he stared at his little bride and couldn’t help but to smile at the memories from the night before. 

Finally, she fed and was well on her way to completing the conversion.  In two more days time, she would awaken anew and he could fully introduce her into his life.  And more importantly he could make her his wife in all senses of the word.

The knock came again, a little more insistent this time and begrudgingly Leo worked to carefully untangle himself from the haven of Shelby’s delectable little body.  She was so soft, so warm and so silky feeling that if it was possible, he would be content just lying beside her twenty four seven and caressing her delicate skin. 

Now that is what I would call a perfect day, he mused.  Just Shelby and him, alone with no one to bother them and all the time in the world to explore every inch of her glorious body. 

“Leo,” Ric almost shouted from behind the closed door.  He was staring at the darkened wood, tapping his foot with impatience as he waited for his master to leave the underling that he had taken to and open up the damn door.

His mother had arrived and she was some kind of pistol alright and Ric refused to deal with her.  From the moment that she came in, Mrs. Risso haughtily dropped off three humongous suit cases at his feet and then mussed his hair like he was some kind of lap dog or something, not hardly.

Leo swung the door open wide and came face to face with his servant, Ric who was looking at him with impertinence. 

“What do you want?” He growled out perturbed by the fact that he was interrupted with his lovely lady.  He glared down at his minion and breathed out a slow long breath reigning in his anger.

Ric’s eyes widened at his dark demeanor, “I’m sorry to disturb you Leo,” he quickly spoke and took a few steps back while bowing his head in reverence.  “But your mother has arrived and she is requesting your presence in the lounge.”

Leo looked down and curled up his lip in distaste.  He had expected her arrival but had not been looking forward to it, especially not now with Shelby in the midst of the conversion process.

Sighing, he looked back in the room where she seemed to be sleeping dreamlessly away.  It would be several hours before she would need to feed again and Leo needed to feed himself so that he would be strong enough to feed her again later.

“Alright,” he said sounding wistful, “I’ll be down in a minute.”  Leo closed the door behind him and locked it so that his bride would be kept safe.  He didn’t know what he would do if something happened to her now.  He had waited entirely to long for her and now that she has here, he would hold on to Shelby by any means necessary.  Even if that meant locking her up.

Ric followed in behind his master with his hands folded behind his back.   The walk down that large hall was quiet with the exception of their foot steps pounding along the tiled floors.

“Ric.” Leo stopped suddenly and turned around to face his servant.  “I need you to rustle me up some food for this afternoon.  I need to feed and I can not leave my lady alone at the moment.  She is far too fragile.”

This time Ric wrinkled his nose in disgust and spoke the words aloud before he thought about the repercussions, “So you went through with it, you are actually converting her into a creature of the night like us.”

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