Chapter 33, Part 1

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“Blood Bound”

 2012 Copyright All Rights Reserved

**Edited by LadyDawn

Chapter 33- Part 1

Isabella carefully lifted the crystal glass to her lips and took a cool sip of the exquisite vintage wine she had been served.  From the bitter sweet taste and the way that it bubbled on the tip of her tongue she could sense that it was a special blend of grapes from the old country mixed with a hint of sweet virgin blood. 

She couldn’t help but to smile.  At least one thing in the Council hadn’t changed since her husband passed over into the next realm, only the best would do for their guests.  The elders had a certain façade of elegance to uphold and they certainly didn’t disappoint.

Over the rim of her glass, her eyes connected with Marko’s and he gave her an imperceptible nod.  His gaze flitted over to the empty chair beside of Leo. Before they had all been seated at the grand table he had explained that his precious pet had not been feeling well enough to attend the Council’s dinner tonight, going on to say that she was resting in the Lucidio room.

At first Isabella had been irate.  How dare the maggot not show her pasty face?  It was a blatant sign of disrespect to refuse a dinner invitation from the vampiric council.  Marko and herselfhad made plans, all of them dependent on her being at this dinner tonight. 

After Leo ingested the blood root he would be too dazed and out of it to sit and listen to the idle chit-chat that typically went on after these dinners.  At the first signs of drowsiness she had planned to approach the woman and offer to show her around in the gardens while suggesting Leo return to his room where Tatiana awaited him.  Once she was positive that Leo was out of the way, she would take Shelby to Ric where he was waiting at the back of the gardens to finally rid them of her measly existence.

In the meantime Marko would keep the Council busy in the meeting room with useless conversation until Shelby was gone and Tatiana had bonded herself permanently to Leo.

The plan was so simple it had been perfect.

Except that now the woman she hated with a passion hadn’t bothered to show her face.  How was she supposed to lead her to Ric if she wasn’t even here?

Clenching her jaw tightly, she bit back the snarl that threatened to spill from her lips.  She reminded herself that she had an image to maintain and as dignified she could possibly make herself, she sat the glass back down on the table, wondering what in the hell they were going to do now.

It wasn’t until she heard Marko speak that she realized she hadn’t been paying attention to what was going on at the table.  She cursed herself for letting her mind wander off like that.  She had a job to do tonight and one way or the other, she would get it done.  She just needed to come up with an alternate plan.

“Leo, you mentioned that your life mate isn’t feeling well, I hope it’s not too serious,” he feigned concern.  “Your mother was explaining to me earlier just how recent she had been turned.  You don’t think she is rejecting the change, do you?”

Leo arched his brow and shook his head at the same time.  “No Marko, it’s nothing that serious.  She is… let’s just say- in a delicate condition.” 

Leo picked up his glass and took another hefty swallow.  He was more than aware of the blood root that had been placed in it.  He tilted his head and nodded in his mother’s direction.  “In about eight months’ time it looks like you’re going to be a Nonna.”

Isabella hid her own disgust at the idea of her being a grandmother to anything that half-breed brought into this world.  It would be over her own dead body. 

She forced a smile on her face and fisted her hand in her lap.  “That’s… wonderful news,” she finally managed before picking up her flute again and downing half the contents in two gulps.

“That it is,” Leo confirmed.  “Dr. Tonio confirmed the conception this morning and with everything that has been going on my bride has been riddled with migraines from the morning sickness.  Dr. Tonio assured me that it all should pass in a few weeks.”

“Then I believe a celebration is called for,” Marko spoke again.  He lifted his glass and tipped it in Leo’s directions.  “To the first Risso heir in this century, I offer to you and your bride my most sincere congratulations.”

Leo picked his glass up again and finished off the contents just as the servers started to file into the room.  “Thank you,” he replied, sitting his glass back on the table.  In seconds a server was at his side refilling his glass.  “When Shelby is feeling better, I will be sure to pass along your kind words.  It will make her happy to know that the Council supports our union.”

Isabella averted her gaze to the plate that was set down in front of her.  Bloodied beef tips nestled on a plat of fluffy rice filled her plate. 

She picked up her fork and let her mind start to work as she picked at her food.  Eating was one of her few guilty pleasures in life.  As a true blood vampire she didn’t require sustenance of this variety to survive but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy it.  Hollywood only got half of it right when they depicted their kind in the movies.  They could eat human food without getting sick; they just couldn’t survive without ingesting a healthy dose of red blood into their system.

She didn’t have to think long.  An idea formed almost instantly.  She took another small bite of her food and chewed slowly.  The more she thought about her idea, the better she felt.

Shelby being in a different room actually worked in her favor.  The Lucidio rooms were located on the opposite side of the house, far away from the suite that she had earlier learned Leo and that pet of his were staying in.  Once dinner was over, Leo would sleepily head back to his own room where Tatiana would be waiting for him.  She would collect Ric from the gardens and head down to the Lucidio rooms to dispense of Shelby while Marko kept the Council busy.

Raising her head from her plate she glanced over in Marko’s direction.  His calculating lips met her with a smile.  She had no doubt that he had come to the same conclusion she had.  The fates were looking down on them tonight.  He subtly lifted his glass to her and then took a sip.  She returned his smile and repeated the gesture.

It wouldn’t be long now.  In a few hours’ time, she would finally be rid of that maggot her son had obsessed over Tatiana would take her rightful place as her daughter –in-law.  With Shelby being taken care of then the prophetic half-breed child won’t have the chance to exist. The prophecy that has caused such uproar in their society will have proved false and they would be free to initiate the imprisonment of all humans, finally putting them in their proper place.

She reminiscently grinned to herself thinking of how happy her dear sweet Alberto would be if he was here now, seeing that she was actually making his dream come true.

Soon, they would no longer have to hide their true natures.

Soon, they would rule the world.

**AN  I know this is short but it's only the first part of the chapter.  I've already started Part 2 and will have it up later tonight as well.  After that, there is only one more chapter left to Book 1 in this triology.  

As always thank you for your patience.


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