Chapter 10

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"Wake up! Wake up!" Something heavy pounces on my stomach and I groan, my eyes snapping open to see Kason sitting on me. "Dad says its time for school!"  

"Get off of her buddy, she can't get up." I hear a voice say and turn to see Hunter smiling in the doorway of my room. Kason slides off of my bed and stands by Hunter. Shoving off the covers, I climb out of bed and head into my closet, talking to Hunter as I debate on what to wear.  

"How long are you and Kason staying?" I ask him and I hear feet rustling as e asks around.  

"Two weeks. Well leave on Wednesday January 15th." Hunter replies and my eyebrows scrunch up.  

"How are you going to keep up with school work?" I ask and he laughs.  

"Kason and me got our work from our teachers so we have homework while staying here." He explains and I nod, pulling my outfit out of my closet.  

"Nice. Well, I'll see y'all when I'm done getting ready. Has dad left yet?" I ask and Hunter shakes his head.  

"No, but he'll probably be gone once your ready." He tells me and I nod.  

"Okay. Later," I say before opening my bathroom door and walking in. I turn the water on and strip down, grabbing a towel from the cabinet and setting it down with my clothes on the toilet. After stepping in the shower, I pull the curtain in to place and let the warm water cascade down my body. Today's my favorite day of the week! Wednesday. Or, for camels...Hump Day! As I wash my hair, I begin to think about today. My date with my boyfriend today. A giggle passes through my lips as I think about it. My boyfriend. John Luke Robertson is my boyfriend. He's so hot and smart and kind and funny...losing track here. What should I wear tonight? Maybe I should invite Sadie over. My last date didn't go we'll. I shudder at the memory and tears brim my eyes when I think about it. His hands... 

Shaking my head, I wipe my face and bathe my body as I let the conditioner set in my hair.  

Once my shower is finished, I step out and turn the water off before wrapping myself in a warm white towel. I look at my reflection in the mirror. Why does John Luke want me? Plain ol Jane? My hair is just a medium brown with a red tiny and soft waves when wet. My skin doesn't tan like other girls. It stays pink with sunburn. My eyes are a grey color. Dull. My mouth is too thin for my face. My height is average, my weight is average. Plus a little from my muscles of pushing Hunter and Kason around in a wheelbarrow, and working out with Hailey. She and I used to do boxing on the wii and we enjoyed competing in swimming so we had to have strong arms to shove through the waters.  

Why does JL want me? 

Ignoring these thoughts, I get dressed quickly in undergarments and a pink tank top with a black holey sweater and dark denim jeans. I switch my shoes up today and decide to wear my favorite tennis shoes, even though they aren't really tennis shoes. Converse. Black ones. Their cute and they are easier to walk in when sliding across ice. I brush my teeth and hair before walking out of my bathroom. John Luke texts me as I pick up my phone.

Ready for school baby -JL

I smile as I sling my book bag over my shoulder. My phone hangs in my hand as I walk to the kitchen. I fix myself a bowl of cereal before replying to John Luke.

Yes I am, babe. -KAY

I scoop spoonfuls of Rainbow Fruity Pebbles as Hunter and Kason come barreling down the stairs.  

"Hey. What are y'all doing today?" I ask them and Hunter shrugs.  

"Homework. Then we're going back to bed. I'm sleepy as heck right now." He says, rubbing his fists over his eyes. Kason follows suit and I chuckle, placing my empty bowl in the sink.  

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