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Lucy hasn't spoken to me in the past three weeks. She hasn't been at her house. She hasn't contacted he friends either. I worried. She doesn't respond to any of my texts or calls. Is she ignoring me? I thought to myself as I drove to a hotel for yet another business deal. Gramps gave me this assignment. I meeting with that Sting guy. Man does he irritate me. I pull up to the front door of the hotel and hand the guy there my keys so he can park my car for me.

Entering the hotel I easily find Sting. He's in the lobby with the same guys from before. "Sting glad you could make it. I'm sorry Gramps couldn't make it. He's been busy lately." I say as I shake his hand. "Natsu, glad you could come. Can we go up to a room I checked out. More private." Sting asks as he stands up from his chair. "Yeah that's fine." I said as I followed him.

(Lucy's POV)

I walked into a hotel that I'm suppose to meet Grey at. I haven't talked to anyone outside the manor for three weeks now. It's easier that way. Just cut all contact with everyone I know. I miss Natsu. If he is what dad says he is then I don't know what I'm going to do. I really love him. I'm too scared to ask him because what if it true and he is part of a mafia. Oh Natsu. That would explain why I've never met anyone from his family. No, Lucy. Don't think that way. Natsu is just a normal guy. He's just a normal guy that works way too much.

I walk through the hotel with the two maids dad has assigned to me. This is embarrassing. I thought as I walked past the lobby and towards the elevator. "Lucy."  I'm miss Natsu so much that I can even here him. "Lucy Heartfilia." There it is again.

I felt someone grip my bare shoulder. He pulled me to I turn around and face him. "Am I hallucinating." I whispered to myself as I see the pinkette whom I'm madly in love with. "Natsu?" I whispered the question as my eyes started to sting with warm tears. I can't cry. If I cry I won't stop and I'll mess up my makeup. I tug my arm out of his grip and head towards the stairs because the elevator was taking to long.  I could here Natsu's feet follow behind me. "Lucy!" "Lucy stop!" "LUCY!!" He shouted after me as I continued running.

Natsu why don't you just leave me alone. You are making this thing harder and I don't think I can handle it. I thought as I stomped up the stairs in my heels. My feet are throbbing in pain but I have to get away from him.

(Natsu's POV)

I saw her. Here. At this hotel. Why is she here and why are people following her? Did she go back to her fathers? She tugs her shoulder from my grip as she stormed towards the stairs. I follow her blindly. I can't lose her. "Lucy!" I shout after her but she just continued on running. "Lucy stop!" She didn't listen. "LUCY!!" She was still running. Then I heard a snap, when I turn the corner Lucy was falling, her back coming towards me. I move up a few steps and held my arms out. Seconds later Lucy was in my arms, tensed up. She started to relax as she slowly opened her tightly shut eyes. She looks at me and starts to wiggle, trying to free herself from my tight embrace. "Lucy talk to me. Please?!" I begged as she continued to wiggle. "Natsu let go of me. I need to leave. I need to leave everyone. You wouldn't understand. Please. To keep you and everyone safe just leave." She pleaded as she started losing her fire and stopped putting so much effort into breaking free. "Lucy what's happening?"

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