Talking Never Lasts Long

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Chapter 9

My dreams were filled with images of the twins, their eyes, their mouths and their smiling faces. I dreamt that they held me close. Their sexy voices telling me that I was their reason for breathing. That they could spend forever with me and it wouldn’t be enough and I soaked up ever word they said every loving kiss they gave me. I felt at home in their arms and never wanted to wake up.

 But like all dreams, all fantasy must come to an end. My mind and body woke easily and the reality was lonely. My bed and body was cold and lonely without them. The truth was dreams are fantastic but if it was real could I cope with being with them both? Could I go out into public with then both by my side and handle the judgement that was thrown at me? Would I be able to introduce them as my… partners… boyfriends to others when they asked? The answer to those questions I really don’t know.

 I can easily blend in, I have been able to do it my whole life keeping the focus off me. I hate being in the spot light and If something would happen between Ryder, Ryan and me the spot light would be shining on me full force. Kat would tell me to just go for it and screw everyone else. I needed to talk to Jake and see what his thoughts on all of this is, I couldn’t risk my friendship with him by continuing something with his brother’s. I have a feeling he is going to ok with it but I’m secretly hoping that he isn’t so that that can be my excuse to walk away and say no more with the twins.

 I got ready and walked down stairs dad was at the table having coffee and eating toast with vegemite. My mother’s favourite breakfast, I knew he did things like this to feel a connection with her still, it was so sweet and so sad at the same time. “How are you feeling this morning April” he asked. Thinking about it I felt good. I had a fabulous sleep, no head ache and a relatively clear mind. Smiling at him “I feel good dad”. “April I was hoping that you would talk to the twins last night but they said you asked them to leave”. Letting out a sigh I asked “Should I talk to them or you dad?” “Talk to them first sweetie and then come see me if you need too. I also want to talk some more about what we talked about yesterday” nodding at him I stole a piece of his toast and told him I was going up to the Taylor’s.

 Luck for me they lived at the top of my street. Grace answered the door pulling me in to a bone crushing hug. When she finally let me go she gave me the once over I guess looking for more injuries. “I’m so glad you’re here the twins are in foul mood. I think its because your dad wouldn’t let them in your house this morning and that he told them last night if they didn’t leave they would get to see you at all today” she said.

Wow go dad. it was really the first time in my teenage life that he has ever been the protective dad and I made me feel special. That was the dad I grew up with always over protective. Until then I didn’t realise how much I had missed that, how much I had truly missed him.

 I didn’t get a chance to respond because some one lifted me off the ground an started spinning me around, a lite laugh escaped me. When I was finally put down I turned and faced my best friend Jake. He was smiling down at me one of his full smiles and I returned it with one of my own. I knew he would be honest with me and give me his opinion. “Hey stranger, do you think we could have a chat?” I asked looking at him hopefully. “Sure we can, I just kinder assumed you had come to see the twins” Jake answered. My smile dropped so he definitely knew about the three of us then. Grabbing my hand he dragged me up the stairs and towards his room. I was slightly hoping to see the twins, my eyes needed their daily fix that I had become addicted to in the last couple of days. As if reading my thoughts Jake answered my unspoken question “They aren’t here, they had a tantrum like 2 year olds and went for a run after they were told no about seeing you” “Oh” was all I could say.

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