OSC/ Twenty-Seven

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WARNING: This chapter contains a scene, depicting suicide. Reader discretion is advised.

One Step Closer/ Twenty-Seven

                               Alonzo walked into the office…after two days off, he wished he had more. He had taken Kylie to daycare Wednesday, and spent the rest of the day shopping, and doing other errands. Cerrina had taken him to go grocery shopping, as well as buy some presents for Kylie’s birthday…he bought her some outfits, a coloring book with washable crayons, some Dora DVDs, and other toys.

                              “Yes! Spoil that girl, Daddy!” laughed Cerrina, as Alonzo rolled his eyes. “Leave me alone…she’s my only little girl!”

                              Alonzo started the machines, as well as looked over the assignments to do. Bob stepped out of his office. “Good morning Alonzo…enjoy your days off?”

                              “It was okay,” answered Alonzo. Bob walked by, holding a sheet of paper. "I received your request for transfer…are you sure you want this?”

                              Alonzo looked up, thinking about how he wouldn’t have to put up with Bob’s micro managing, and Tracey’s bullshit…a change, would do him some good. He looked to Bob. “I’m sure,”

                             Kay then stepped in. “Good morning Alonzo…we missed you, for these past two days. You enjoy your vacation?”-Bob skulked back to his office. Alonzo arranged the morning assignments. "I wouldn’t call it a vacation…I had to take care of some other stuff, but it worked out pretty okay,”

                             “Well as long as you didn’t come back worse than when you left, then it is good,” said Kay. Alonzo started to load yesterday evening’s finished assignments on his delivery cart. “I guess,”

                             His phone vibrated, as he pulled it out, looking to the number- it was Tracey. Alonzo held up his finger to Kay, answering the call. “Hello?”

                             There was a passing moment of silence.

                             “Hey,” she replied softly.

                              “Hey,” breathed Alonzo, easily, but still apprehensive, of sorts. “I had wanted to talk to you, but I wasn’t sure if you were still angry,”

                              “Are you at work?” she asked, her voice sounding scratchy and sleepy. Alonzo paced the floor for a second. “Yeah. I’m at work. Where are you at?”

                              “Home,” she answered. “Could you bring Kylie by this evening so…I can give her birthday present to her? I just wanna see her face when she opens it,”

                              “No tricks? No set ups?”

                             “No….no,” she answered. “I’m…tired,”

                             “I’ll bring her by this evening,” sighed Alonzo. “I know she’s gonna like whatever you bought her. She usually does,”

                             “Lonzo…I know me an you haven’t always gotten along. I’m sorry…I want you to know I….I love Kylie so much,” – she started to break down into tears…Alonzo sighed on the other end of the call. “I know you do,”

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