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××Saturday 7:45 p.m.××

"You can't just move us to New York! Do you have any idea how far it is from dad? How far it is from Lila? How far it is from hockey?!" I shouted at Joy venom dripping from my voice. She was sitting at the table doing still doing work on her laptop  but I didn't care. This was the third argument we'd had this week and every time it was always about the same thing. The move. 14 years we'd been living in Minnesota, 14 years and she was ready to just leave it behind and move on to a state that was a whole other world compared to here.

I know most people would be jumping up and down at the idea of living in New York, but aside from Australia, Minnesota is home to me. I've lived here since I was ten years old. I mean sure i've had some times here that I still hate to talk about but that's what makes this place even more memorable. This is all I know.

"Yes, Calum. We've had this conversation several times now" she sighed rubbing her temples clearly annoyed at my tone.

"How can you just walk away from 14 years?" I wanted to know. It's like I'm the only person in this house who actually cared that this was happening.

"Okay, Calum? I've spent plenty of time thinking this through. And we are not going to just stop what we're doing because you don't like it" she said. I shook my head.

This doesn't make any sense, how is she okay with it?

"Besides, you don't even care about hockey" she mumbled facing her silver laptop again returning to her work.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I snapped quickly. The sound of my sister coming down stairs shifted my attention but not my mother's.

"What's going on?" Mali asked rubbing her eyes. She had been sleeping for an hour and I wished she would go back to sleep. She always makes the situation worse.

"Since when do you think it's okay for you to curse in this house?" Joy asked whipping her head around to face me with a raised eyebrow ignoring my sister's question. I didn't answer. Her eyes lingered on me for a minute before looking away and sighing.

"I can't talk to you when you're like this. You're just like your father sometimes, Calum. I swear to you" she shook her head getting back to her work once more. I scoffed looking away for a minute then back at her. Unbelievable.

"That's just like you. To just shut out all of your problems when you don't feel like dealing with them. Just like you did with dad, since we're on the subject" I said with as much anger in my voice as I could with just a hint of sarcasm. She cringed and stopped typing. Joy and my dad have been together since forever, but Mali and I both knew things were slowly coming to an end. Half of the things I know, she has no idea that I do.

"Calum, please don't start with this" my sister begged me.

Here she goes..

"Go to your room" she finally said after a minute.

"No, you want to talk about dad, then let's talk about dad. So let's get this all cleared up then, so you think that pretending like we're all one big happy family and going to New York is just gonna change all of that and make all of your problems go away, right?" I continued completely aware of what I was doing.

"To your room, now" she said more sternly.

"Is it true that you actually thought having us around was going to patch things up too after getting over the fact that he didn't want to have another baby with you? Cause that's pretty tragic if you ask me" I said. She slammed her hands down on the table and stood up quickly causing the chair behind her to clatter to the floor.

"I SAID GO TO YOUR ROOM, NOW!" she shouted stalking up to me. But I stayed in my place. She looked away when her eyes started to water probably hoping I didn't see the salty liquid forming in her eyes.

"You think you know everything that happened, don't you? You think you're so smart" she said. I blinked once. I wouldn't even flinch over this woman. She doesn't deserve my respect. Not  after what she did to dad. Not after what she did to this family.

"You have no idea what is going on in this marriage! I-" but she stopped herself when her voice cracked.

"I'm not going to argue with a child" she said as if she were reminding herself.

"I don't know where this whole attitude bit came from but I'm telling you right now, you'd better lose it before I make you lose it!" She shouted. I stared at her blankly and took one step closer to her.

"I'm shaking" I glared sarcastically. She took a step back from me and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear shaking her head.

"You used to say that I was the best mom in the whole wide wold" she said as a tear slid down her flushed cheek causing my sister to walk over to her and wrap her arms around her side in comfort.

"Do you honestly think, that after everything you've done to this shamble you call a family, that I'm just going to be your perfect angel child? You're driving dad away and then bring this random guy home, get pregnant with his kid and apologize to dad thinking all your problems are going to fade like your issues with him never happened and now that you realize that that's not working for you, the last move is to just ship us off to New York? God! Wasn't pawning your own wedding ring enough?!" I shouted.

"Little brother, stop!" Mali yelled at me.

"Fuck off, Mali!" I yelled back. But that didn't stop the already ongoing match with my mom and I.

"Everything I do does not have to do with your father. It's not my fault! Your father and I are just going through a rough patch right now, okay?!" she hollered making her face turn even more red than before.

"All you had to do was try just a little bit more and we would've been okay!" I yelled though my voice cracked.

"I don't need to explain This to you, you're just a child!" she snapped at me. Her eyes burned into mine expressing a load of emotion.

"I don't care! I'm your son and just because you couldn't give dad another one, doesn't mean you can take this out on me!" I yelled my last and final blow. And before I could do anything, I felt her hand across my face stinging my sensitive skin.

"This isn't about running from my problems, this is about my job moving me to New York for better pay. So before you go off thinking that you know what's going on in my head, try thinking about what I told you, was going on" she said. Her tears flowed freely now but I felt nothing for her. She deserved the pain she was feeling.

"No wonder it didn't take long for you to start to drive him away, you're even less of a woman than I thought" I laughed coldly at her. Her mouth fell open a little bit and I knew I'd struck a chord.

"Calum!" Mali gasped. I rolled my eyes ignoring her once again.

"I'm going out" I established behind my shoulder before walking away from her and out of the door. I didn't want to see her. And knowing I had hurt her was enough.

Okay, Okay, everybody just breathe, because some of you might be having mini heart attacks at the way Cal is speaking to Joy considering that she is just a sweetheart! Things will get better I promise!

Calum has been through a lot in this story and everything that is happening right now has a reason to it so have a little patience with me babes lol

So anyway, thanks for choosing my book! Of course this is part of the Storm Series so check those out as you go on if you like this one!


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