Chapter 8

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I had a feeling that wasn't going to be the last time I saw the Cullens. Something told me they were going to try to take me away from my family, but when they did we would be ready. But they seemed so determined to do anything, but I wasn't afraid of those walking disco balls they could kiss my ass for all I care. We were now on our way to a magical town named Mystic Falls where some people actually had enough sense to carry torches and stakes. 

Mystic Falls had supernatural creatures around every corner, witches, werewolves, vampires, and angry demons waiting to take revenge. The council of Mystic Falls, or the founding families, are aware of vampires they've tried for over a hundred years to get rid of them. Compulsive much. I know you're probably thinking "why are you going there when vampire hunters are there" well to tell you the truth I really don't give a fuck about them. They can kiss my ass right along with the Cullens. And to put it in the words of that infamous bitch Rosalie "I'm too pretty for this shit."

 We pulled up to this big castle looking mansion. I mean it was huge, almost huger than Rosalie's ego. We went into the house and i rushed up the stairs to the biggest room and called dibs. I heard groans from downstairs. "Oh shut the fuck up!" i called downstairs. Kol brought our stuff up to the room and we used vampire speed to put it away. After about 20 minutes everyone was done so we went to the living room downstairs. "How about we host a ball for our family being reunited after such a long time?" Klaus asked. Ok's were heard out of everyone. "As long as those pig faced bitches keep their hands off my Kol I'm cool with it, we wouldn't want some pig faced girls going missing would we?" I said licking my lips. Everyone laughed. "Great today is Wednesday we'll have it Saturday, I'll inform the council this afternoon," Klaus said. Just as he got done saying that a vase flew across the room and smashed against the wall. "Who the fuck have you pissed off now Klaus?" i asked shaking my head. "That would be the Bennet witch, Bonnie," he said going to open the door. 

Behind the door stood a bronze-skinned girl with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, a man with black hair, and electrifying blue eyes, another man with bronze hair and green eyes, a girl with blonde hair, who had a sort of bitchy aura coming from her, and the last person I laid my eyes on made anger rise immediately. This bitch looked exactly like my sister Tatia, ah so this must be the doppelganger. I decided to play a trick on our guests, i looked at all my family telling them silently what i was going to do, they all nodded and smiled at my plan. This was going to be fun. I got up and walked behind Klaus and put my arms around his waist, and put my head on his shoulder. "Honey who is it, we weren't done with our game yet," I pouted. He looked down at me and smiled getting that we were playing our guests. "Its just some acquaintance I made while I was away," he said winking. "Oh ok, which one is the bitch that threw the vase my mother gave me before she died against the wall?" i said glaring at each of the people. They all looked scared. "That would be the Bennet witch over here," he said pointing to the bronze girl. I turned my glare to her. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" i yelled at her. She looked scared, terrified even. she looked like she was trying to concentrate on me, I knew what she was trying to do when I felt something hit my mental shield. It was like i little tickle, just like when Eddie tried to read my mind. 

This bitch was trying to use that witch pain shit on me. When i wasn't rolling on the floor in pain she looked shocked. "Whats wrong Bennet your little power didn't work?" I said teasingly. "But how.... the only people it doesn't work on is-" "Originals, oh Bennet that's because I am one, and you just made a new enemy," I said cutting her off. "Who is this Klaus and why is she here?" the blond said. "Oh let me formally introduce myself, my name is Arabella Mikealson, formally known as Arabella Petrova wife of Kol Mikealson," gasps came from the group. "You're a Petrova, which means you're related to Kathrine?" the doppelganger asked. "No shit bitch, of course, is related to that egotistic drama queen," I said. "Wait you're married to Kol but we thought you were with Klaus," the blond said. "Fisrt off Blondie have you ever heard of a joke and second off eww Klaus is my brother, youre just sick, and third off whatever stick you got up your ass you need to pull it out before i shove it futher up your ass i can see my brothers very found of you but i will not hesitate to rip your fucking heart out of your fucking chest if you give me that bitchy attitude again because believe me honey mine is worse then yours, do i make myself clear?" i said looking into her eyes. She nodded a little and i put on a smile and did a whole 360 on my emotions. 

"Now would you like to come in and sit?" i said cheerfully. They looked at me like i belonged in a mental hospital. Shit, i don't blame them I thought that sometimes too. I got a feeling someone was about to call me bipolar and the feeling was pointing to Klaus. Before he could say anything i whacked him in the back of the head. "Ow Ara what the hell was that for?!" he whined. "Because you were about to call me bipolar you ass," i said simply. He looked at me skeptically. "Are you sure you don't have another gift Ara because you always seem to know when somethings going to happen?" he asked. "I've told you before its not a gift i just know shit, now get your asses in here,"

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