Chapter 4

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Ara's POV

After piling into my shitty truck, we arrive at my house a couple of minutes later. Charlie's cruiser is parked in the driveway and I hear a baseball game on in the living room. Enlacing my hands with Kol's, we slide out of my car. "This is where you live love? You should've compelled yourself a nicer place." I force my gaze away from Kol's eyes and look at the little white house in front of me. The two-story house is now a fading white, pieces of the wood hang off the sides. "Well, if I lived up to my usual standards, it wouldn't be much a disguise." Kol places his lips on my hand, "You'll never have to live in a place like this again. Nor will you be with another man that isn't me, I don't like to share, but I don't mind the chase." My heart flutters at his words, seeing the love in his eyes once again. "You are the only one that makes me feel normal. I love you." I gently touch his lips, knowing that if I did anything else, I wouldn't stop. Klaus steps in between us, "Lovebirds, it sounds like a struggle is going on in there. We best go in."

The 6 of us stroll in only to be stopped by Charlie's yelling. "Jacob Black, you better sit your ass on that couch and wait for her to get back or I will shoot your ass. Do I make myself clear?" Wow, I have never heard Charlie yell like that before his voice is all deep and shit. "Charlie, I'm back and I brought some guests," I call out, stripping my sneakers off at the door. "In the living room," he shouts. Kol keeps looking around at the small details surrounding the house, disgusted by the details of chipped paint. I took a long time to make it look like it has been in use for the last few years, even Charlie was impressed when we first moved in. We enter the room and our mouths explode out into laughter, falling onto the ground while holding our stomachs.

Charlie is pointing his shotgun at Jacob, who by the way, looks like he was going to piss himself. "How the hell did he get untied?" I manage to mutter out as laughter keeps spewing out of me. "He chewed his ass through the rope, I was watching the game when this bastard came running out of the basement running around the house looking for you so I got my shotgun and told his ass to sit down, and now here we are," Jacob begins to relax as his eyes turn to me, I can feel his eyes trailing my body. Making me shiver in disgust, he needs to stop."What the hell? That fucking rope was made out of vervain vines and then soaked in vervain. How the hell did you get out?" I shout out at him, filling my words with anger. He must be a fucking magician or something. "I hadn't heard from you in a while and I thought something bad might have happened so I busted out of the rope and started looking for you Charlie over here scared the shit out of me with his gun when I came back around the corner, but I had to make sure you were safe," he whimpers out. How can someone that Klaus turned be such a pansy? I understand that turned werewolves are rare, but he should've had the mind not to turn a puppy. Wait, what the hell was Klaus thinking sending him to find me?

"Aww Jake that was so nice of you but next time stay your ass down in the basement where I put you, " I say sweetly, keeping a calm tone to the underlying pissiness that I am having to contain. Klaus steps forward as Kol pulls me closer to him, jealousy flowing through him. "I don't like the way he is looking at you, Klaus said he was trustworthy, and gay. I would have never let him near you if I had known." Kol grinds his teeth together, trying to hold back his anger that Jake is causing him, how does one puppy manage to piss my entire family off? "Kol, I love you. Not some puppy dog that follows me around because he thinks he loves me. He doesn't know what true love is, the love we share." I pull him into myself, like the demanding person I am. We lean into each other, getting closer until a stinging pain erupts in my cheek. Kol jumps back in shock, not many things do. Jake swiped at me, I'm going to fucking kill him! I snap my head towards him, ready to charge. Kol grabs me by my waist, holding me back. "If anyone gets to kill him, it will be me."

Kol rushes me out into the woods, even though I know the way back easily. "Do you really think that running me out here will stop me from getting back and ripping of his head?" I push my feet towards the house but Kol pushes me against a tree. "No, but I can do this." Kol slams his lips against mine, sending shivers down my spine. His lips are soft, pushing roughly against mine. We move in since, unable to stop. I've missed this, I've missed them. A stray tear falls out of the corner of my eye, the pain of the years catching up to me. Kol pulls back, wiping my tear away. "Love, I've missed you too. I have been handling tones of drama in Mystic Falls. Klaus had broken his curse but Elijah was the one to revive us. We tried to get revenge but he said we would never find you without him. I thought he daggered you as well, hiding you from me. I torn through walls and floors to find you when he wasn't looking, but you weren't there. I finally got a witch to track you down, but Klaus wouldn't let me go. Saying that you could be endangered or something like that. He sent Jacob ahead, since he is one of the only few that were still sired to him." I enlace his hand into mine, resting my forehead against his. "The puppy wasn't sired, he wouldn't have allowed his feelings to take over from his orders from Klaus. He must of broken it before coming and wanted to get information from Klaus. I swear he is blind sometimes." Kol chuckles, our closeness allows me to feel the waves of laughter. Something I have also missed, feeling connected to him. "We need to get back before Klaus kills Jacob." I speak quickly, while turning than speeding towards my house.

I barge in the back door, speeding into the living room. The coffee table is smashed to bits, glass shards on the ground. Rebekah, Elijah, and Finn are all sitting on the couch, with a bowl of popcorn on Eli's lap. Charlie is chilling in his lounge chair, drinking beer, rocking back and forth. Klaus was standing over Jacob, who is cowering on the ground. "You dare try to betray me? What makes you feel powerful enough to do so? Money? Fame? This supposed love for my sister?" Klaus wraps his hand around Jacob's upper arm, digging his claws into his skin. "Klaus, I would never betray you. You are my sire, I only broke it to survive the other hybrids. They can be rough Klaus, Paul said he'll rip my heart out and eat it alive." Kol speeds besides me, looking at the scene in front of him. He leans over to me, "What's going to happen?" Klaus's gears begin to move in his head, his eyes light with an evil look. "That sounds like a great idea. Thanks mate." I turn my head quickly over to Kol "Klaus will-" Klaus jabs his hand into Jake's chest, twisting his heart in place. Jake looks shock to say the least, eyes bulging out of his head. He tilts his head up to Klaus before reaching his ear, "She supposed to be mine." Klaus pulls his heart out and rips his fangs through Jake's heart. Blood begins to drip down Klaus's chin, Kol chuckles at the sight. "Klaus, I wanted to do that!" Kol pulls me back into his chest as I try to step towards Klaus, burying his head in my neck. "Ara, you had that chance when you left him in your basement for a month. Next time, take the opportunity." Klaus wipes his face before speeding over to Jake's body and out the door in the matter of seconds. I hate him sometimes. 

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