Arabella Mikaelson

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I stare at the wooden bracelet on my wrist, meeting Kol's eyes. His eyes show that he is nervous, but mostly love is shining through. My feet swiftly move closer to him, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Of course, I will marry you, Kol. I was born to be a Mikealson."

I knew Kol all my life, we grew up together running around the fields with his siblings. Three older brothers, one younger sister, and a little brother. Finn, the oldest, seems close to his mother but loves his siblings more than he shows. Elijah, a kind-hearted man who craves knowledge. Niklaus, a boy who only wants his father's approval, but has the hands of a god when it comes to art. Rebekah, sadly the only girl, wants to be a mother more than needing to breathe, who also is my closet friend. Lastly, Henrik, the youngest of them all, still trying to find his way, but his curiosity never festers.

I never liked parents because they both judged me. Either I was too rough or I didn't act ladylike. I hated when people told me what to do or when to do it. They act like I am a menace because I don't mind playing with the guys. Just because they can't handle playing with a girl doesn't mean I am rough. Mikeal, their father, also hurts Nik. Kol and I tried to do something, but he threatened to hurt me, Nik told us to no longer be involved. I can't wait for the day where he finally gets what he deserves.

Even with their lacking parenting skills, they still are more a mother and a father to me than my own. All they've ever cared about was Tatia, my twit of an older sister. She's manipulative and ignorant. She always has to have it her way or she would whine and cry to mother or father. That's until she got pregnant with the baby of one of the village boys. My parents let her stay after the baby was born but they made her give the baby away to one of the village families. Even with the chance to tarnish our family name, they still forgive her. If I would have got pregnant without being wedded, they would have thrown me on the street. The only good thing in my life is Kol and his family, and I can't wait to see what my future holds.

After the proposal, Klaus made a fatal decision, getting Henrik killed. He had gone to go see the werewolves during the full moon, not knowing the dangers that would follow. The men lose their minds once transformed, not knowing fully that Henrik was only a boy. He didn't stand a chance. I remember when Nik came back with Henrik's body in his arms, everyone was devastated. Their father had gone ballistic and made their mother, may I sure is a witch turn the whole family turns into vampires. Which they had to use the blood of my sister to create us, I don't see the importance of her blood. She got to live past that, until Nik's curse. After their father found out about mother's affair with one of the werewolves, rash decisions were made. Klaus figured out and ran away for a while, but Mikeal ended up killing the whole werewolf village, including Klaus's real father. After Klaus came back, he killed his mother then blamed it on his father, but we all knew it was him and we were thankful. After all the trouble we had gone through Kol as vampires, we finally got married.

We all traveled together for 483 years until some of us wanted to go our own ways but Klaus didn't like that. We ended up having to run from him because he threatened to dagger us, he didn't even have to tell me. I knew what he was planning, I almost always know his actions. Klaus had used the ashes of the white oak tree to make daggers that could put us to sleep when driven through our hearts, but it will only last until the dagger was pulled out. Elijah went first in 1725, then Finn in 1759, Rebekah went back because she was scared, but in 1883 she was daggers too because she wanted to go her own way again. So that only left me and Kol, we traveled the world running away from Klaus and we stayed off his radar until we heard that he had a witch that had found us and he was on his way, by this time it was 1953 and we were at a local bar in Costa Mesa, California. We were about to run but it was too late Klaus had been waiting for us outside the bar. Kol had told me to run but I refused to leave him that's when Klaus daggers him and I ran. I heard Klaus say " I'll find you again my dear sister, why couldn't you just stay with me ?" In the distance. I kept running and never looked back.

Over the years I have gone through many different aliases to stay off his radar just at least until he undaggers our family. I miss my Kol, my brothers, and my sister dearly. Right now, I'm playing baseball with this coven of stupid Bambi munching cold ones. I'm under the alias of Isabella (Bella) Swan, the girlfriend of Bambi Muncher Edward Cullen, and daughter of Chief Charlie Swan. He is one of my sister's great great great something nephews, he knows about everything. Ugh, Jasper keeps looking at me like I'm a glass of water in a desert. I really want to get away from this family. They didn't know that my real name is Arabella Helena Petrova Mikaelson, I am 5'5 long wavy chestnut hair, my eyes are really hazel not brown. I'm tired of all these names, I just want to be badass Ara again. I'm pulled out of my thought by Alice, aka pixie, says something. " I don't know what happened I can't see anything all I got was a glimpse of 4 guys, 2 with brown hair, 1 blond hair, and 1 reddish blond hair, and a blonde girl. They all were heading this way, they all had hazel eyes and seem human. My vision tried placing a 6th person with them, only caught an outline, they aren't with them now. I tried to look closer at them but that's whenever thing went black." she wines. Just as I was about to put it together, the love of my life and the people I thought I would never see again comes walking into the field.

All of the Cullens gather around me for protection. The group came to a stop about 10ft in front of us. Carlisle steps forward, "Hello, how may we help you?" Klaus steps forward, "We were walking through the forest and a baseball landed at my feet so we decided to follow the direction it came from," he says with a grin. "You shouldn't be out in the forest it is very dangerous out here." Carlisle chides. "We could say the same for you and with a human at most," Nik says and then winks at me. I look at Edward and he looks frustrated, I had seen that look so many times before so I knew he was trying to read their mind but couldn't. My family and I start giggling softly. "What do you mean by that?" Carlisle asked. "I mean you're not human." Klaus gave me a smile. "And how would you know that?" Rosalie questions with a glare. Klaus looks at her, "Because we're not human either, we're vampires just not cold ones." Edward's eyes bulge out of his head before he can comprehend himself. "That's impossible you're not vampires because we're the only type of vampire on earth!" Edward exclaims. "That's what you think, we are actually the first vampires in existence we were created by our mother. She was a witch and that was back in 1107 so think what you want to, child." Klaus could be a cheeky bastard at times. "That's impossible!" Edward screeches. "No, it is not, and my senses are telling me there is another original with us besides my brothers and sister, I wonder which one of you it is," he says with a fake curious look. Klaus always did annoy me he knows I am tired of playing a human, but he still annoyed me anyway, even though I love him for it.

"Oh, Klaus gives it a rest. You already knew I was here before you stepped on the field," I giggle. I pushed past all the Cullens to get to my family. "Bella, love, what are you doing? Get away from those crazy people," Edward tries to grab me but I pull away. "Eddy-Boy, do you like your head because if you ever call my family crazy again, you will be losing it." My eyes narrow at him, think of all the ways I could torture him. After letting go of the American accent and let my English accent come through, I've never felt better. "And if I were you I wouldn't touch her again. Her husband can be a very crazy bastard when it comes to other people harming his Ara." Klaus said with a shit-eating grin. "Oh come on, I'm not that crazy am I?" Kol said. I give him my signature look. "Kol, really? You knocked a guys head off with that baseball bat of yours just for staring at her. " Rebekah says giggling as Kol's eyes light up with a memory. "Alright, maybe I am a crazy bastard when it comes to my Ara," he gives me a wink, making my heart melt. "Bella doesn't have a husband, I'm her boyfriend!" Edward screeches. "You are not my boyfriend, you're just some sparkling cold one who kept sneaking into my room at night watching me sleep," I shout towards him. He looks hurt by my words, aw poor little boy lost his toy. Ugh, these contacts are annoying me, I slowly take them out and I hear the Cullens gasp. "Turn around love and let me see those beautiful eyes," Kol said. I run to him and kiss him as if I had never kissed him before. I hear somebody growl in the background but I don't care, I'm in heaven.

I am Arabella MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now