Chapter 3

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Ara's Pov

Someone clears their throat and we look over at the source. Every Cullen stood there either with a face of hatred, betrayal, anger, fury, or possessiveness. Which may I point out was mostly coming from Edward. Can't this guy take a hint? Isn't running over to my husband and family a big enough sign? I seriously think I might need to spell it out. " Isabella?" Carlisle says curiously. "What? My name is not Isabella, it's Arabella or Ara to friends and family, but you are neither so Arabella," I sneer at them, Kol comes behind me pulling me to his chest. "Calm down dear, you get the world while they hid in corners." Kol lightly kisses beneath my ear, allowing a shiver to run up my side. I place my hand on top of his, sinking my body into his warmth. "Get away from them and come to stand behind this coven. The one Klaus seems to be delusional and crazy, and that is dangerous to come here ' Isabella'." he says calmly, looking annoyed by my actions. I don't believe this Cullens, they act like they are always right. "The only people over here that seem to be delusional here is your coven, I still can't believe your pixie over there didn't see this coming, " I smirk towards them, the only reason I am still here is that I've been finding this humorous. Now, they are becoming thorns in all of our sides.

Alice's POV

How could I not see this!? That bitch must have something to do with it. I knew I should have listened to Edward when he said we should have drained her the first day we saw her. But I wanted to see how far we could get till she broke down and started waiting on us hand and feet. She would've been the perfect human barbie, now she is just an annoying thorn in my side. I even came up with the whole idea for him to push her away only to draw her close. I love it when he is evil. My mate, Edward, he does whatever I tell him. I can barely get Jasper to sit still long enough with her around, her blood gets too much for him. I need him to protect our family, you know how hard it is to fake a mate bond? Isabella thinks she is so clever, but she doesn't know the truth about everything. How are we going to make her listen? I was looking through my head for visions I could pull up then......BINGO!!

Ara's POV

"You're lying, Bella! When I look into the future, I still see you as one of us, so you are human!" the pixie whines out, stomping her feet a little. Can she act more like a bitch? I knew what she's saying wasn't true, she has been feeding the Cullens fake visions from day one and Edward helps her with it too. The Cullens are brained washed at this point with their golden boy, even Emmett and Rose have been under their control for a while. Alice and Edward consider themselves evil masterminds, but they can't even keep it in their pants. They can't resist their mate bond, but they don't know I see it. I'm surprised they've kept up with this whole charade this long, I've caught them with their tongues down each other's throats four times. It was like watching dogs playing tug-a-war with a piece of meat.

"Oh is that what you saw while you were screwing Eddie boy over there?" I say in my sweetest tone, smirking at her falling smile. "What are you talking about? That's my brother, and I would never do that to Jasper!" she whines again, this girl must breath in hilum on the daily. "Oh, cut your shit Pixie. Edward, me, and you all know that you two are mated," I yell back at her, I am really trying my hardest not to physically rip her head off. All the Cullens gasp in surprise, see the idiots shocked? Elijah just chuckles at their over the top reaction, Bekah just rolls her eyes like me. "How do you know that!" Edward screams at me, moving closer to my family. "Well Eddie that's one of my many gifts, I can see the bonds between people. Oh Jasper, before you lose your head anymore, your true mate is Maria. Before you say anything, the only reason Maria acted that way when you were there was because that witch bitch of a sister, Lettie, did some type of spell on her. The spell just made her an evil bitch and blocked the bond from manifesting. Peter and Charlotte have been trying to get in contact to tell you but your so-called 'family' have been blocking that from happening, so go back to Texas and you will find Maria living at Peters and Char's house. Go back to your original food source of human blood. What the Cullens failed to tell you is that Peter and Char hunt criminals, not innocents, so hurry up and go before I change my mind about being this nice to someone." I demand, smiling a little at the pain of the Cullens. His eyes light up with a spark I 've never seen, the spark of happiness. "Thanks, Arabella I will never forget this, goodbye, and Cullens, go to hell," he calls over his shoulder as he takes off running into the woods. I know I will see him again, and he will finally be happy when I do.

After he's out of sight, I look at the fuming Cullens and smile gently. "Aw did the big bad Cullens not want their secrets told? Well too bad, I don't give a shit, oh and before we go back to you calling me human," I flash them my veins, fangs, and red eyes. "Thought you might want to see that." they flinch back from me, clearly still under the impression I was a weak, clumsy, little human. "Now bye," I shout as my family and I take off out of sight, running at full speed. I haven't used my abilities in years, feeling the wind hit my every fiber and look at the world blur by is a magical feeling on its own. I've missed all of this, the crazy, evil, but the amazing world I lived in, and now I got it back, forever. 

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