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These characters as well as their original story belong completely to Suzanne Collins the greatest author of all time.
This chapter is dedicated to @mselfie25 for all of the amazing xomments that she leaves under my posts. I have a new story going too guys, well, a couple anyways, that I would love if you checked it out. I'm really proud of some of my Harry Potter fics, but they need more viewers, so please!

"Jen, eat your food!" I groaned. She responded by spitting it out all over Peeta. He closed his eyes and wiped the food off.
"Ha! Good job!" I told her, laughing. Peeta pushed me lightly.
Jen was adorable. At one month, she had whisps of dark brown hair on her head, and her eyes were sparkling baby blue. Her cheeks made you want to pinch them, and she was almost always happy. Her laugh was like windchimes, light and beautiful.
She reminds me of her dad. Light, friendly, happy. If she had blonde hair and more of a chuckle kind of laugh, she'd be a minnie him. Well, and she'd have to be a boy.
I smile lovingly at both of them.
"All right, Katniss, she's not hungry. Why don't we put her down for a nap? She's falling asleep in her highchair," Peeta says, and I nod, looking at Jen, who really was nodding off right in the seat, her face still smeared with a variety of baby food.
"Yeah, okay," I lift her up from the highchair and start toward the stairs.
But then, our front door burst open to reveal a grinning Finnick.
"Where's my best friend at?" He hollers. Peeta and I have been his best friends for a while, and now Jen is too.
Jen stops mid yawn, and stretches her hands out to Finnick and laughs.
"There she is!" He runs and takes her from me, swooping her into the air. She laughs even harder. Annie comes in with her little boy, Finn, and sighs.
"Finnick," She takes Jen from him and hands her back to me. I grin and take Jen upstairs and lie her in her crib. "You heard them say they were going to put her down for a nap, you butt,"
When I return back downstairs, Finnick is standing there, staring at me.
"What?" I ask him, and he frowns.
"I just realized something," He responds with a frown, not taking his eyes away from me as I cross the room to my favorite chair.
"Oh, joy, Tell us, please, what did you notice this time?" I ask, rolling my eyes with a smile and sitting down, He fights back a laugh before getting serious again.
"You're a mom," He points at me. Then he points at Peeta. "And you're a dad!"
"You're a dad too, stupid." Peeta laughs, throwing a pillow at him.
"Yeah, but it's crazy. It feels like only yesterday that I first found out that Katniss wasn't faking her love for you," He looks at Annie. "Crazy right?"
"I think you're just big dumb," she says, and then stares off into space for a moment. Finnick leans in and whispers a few things to her, and she comes back down to earth. She's so normal, I sometimes forget that she blanks out like that sometimes.
She looks over at their little boy, Finn, who is asleep on the couch. I glance at the Spongebob rerun that we had on for him.
"I guess we can change this now-"
"No!" Finnick throws a pillow at me, knocking the remote to the floor. "Dude! This is my favorite show!"
I look over at the TV again. Spongebob and his little pink friend are camping with the tall blue guy.
"I've never seen this," I say. "Just glimpses of it,"
Finnick explains to me everything that there is to know about Spongebob. He works at the Krusty Krab, where he is the fry cook. He has a best friend named Patrick, who's a sea star, and another one named Sandy, who's a squirrel.
At first it sounded incredibly stupid. And how is Mr. Krab's daughter a whale?
I look at the TV again, and suddenly, a sea bear comes and attacks Squidward, the blue guy. I gasp, and prop up to sit on my feet. I glance over to find Annie, Peeta, and Finnick all just as engaged with the new tv show as I am.
We lean forward absentmindly, hoping that Squidward makes it out okay.
I personally think that it would be much easier to get to his house if he wasn't tripping over that big nose of his.
And if there wasn't a sea bear watching and waiting to pounce on him.

Finnick and Annie stayed the night. We all fell and sleep watching Spongebob, and eventually everyone woke up at like midnight and found a place to sleep.
"What did you think about that, Kat?" Peeta asks as we switch into pajamas sleepily.
"About Spongebob?"
"I think... I think he's my idol," I say and he laughs softly as we climb into bed. The day had been so fun, and I gazed at Jen, well, I gazed at her crib, and I could feel the love radiating from my heart as I looked at her.
Today had been so great, so perfect.
But even I should have known things wouldn't stay this way

Hey guys! Sorry, short chapter I know..... oops. Anyways, today was so packed, I didn't have much time to write anything, so everything I did write came to me as I typed it.
See ya,

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