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Halloween. If I weren't so caught up supplying my family I would have really enjoyed this holiday when I was younger. But I never had the time, and though Prim begged me and begged me to get her a costume, even she understood that I couldnt. So each year I brought home one small precious bag of candy, which was extremely expensive.
I only wish I had set time aside for her. If she was here now, I would take her on an extreme trick or treating trip. Peeta would come too.
But she isn't here.
So instead, I zipped up my egg costume and Peeta put on his bacon costume. We both grabbed the biggest pillowcases we could find, and then set off down the street.
"Aren't you two a bit old to be trick or treating?" Greasy Sae asks us as we approach her house. She sits in a blue and red lawnchair, and in her lap is a large bowl of candy.
"Sae, we're only eighteen." I say, and then the thought registers in my head. We are only eighteen. We're having a baby at eighteen. Well, nineteen for me, because I'll have it after my birthday. But still. That's crazy. No one should be having a child at that age. Escpecially not someone like me.
I push the thought away and move towards Greasy Sae. I decide to discuss it with Peeta a little while later, after the fun is all over. No use ruining our hour or so of fun.
I pluck a single piece from the candy bowl, but Greasy Sae shakes her head.
"No, no. Have a big handful. At this rate I'll be out here all night. And besides, I'm pretty sure you've never tasted candy, have you Katniss?" She asks me and I decide to be truthful, shaking my head. As we walk to the next house in the victors village, Peeta decides to question me on why I've never eaten candy before.
"You've never had candy before? Not with the capitol? Never?" He demands.
"Never." And he raises his eyebrows in shock.
"Katniss, I've seen you taken candy from the candy shops every halloween. Dont even try telling me you've never had it." Peeta says, but I shake my head.
"I bought that small bag of candy with my money I was saving all year. I bought it for Prim, because she never got to go trick or treating or to celebrate Halloween." I tell him and he gives a big oh.
"I should have guessed. You would give anything to her. I forgot." He says to me. We ring the doorbell of the next house.
Im about to respond when a horrible stench fills my nose. The smell seeps from the house of Haymitch Abernathy, and I immediately recognize it. It reeks of liquor, old food and B.O.
"Gosh Haymitch, would it kill you to hire a maid or something? So that your house doesn't stink up the while neighborhood?" I ask, and he just shrugs his shoulders at my comment.
"Haters gonna hate. Just take some candy and quit your complainin'." He says to me with a slight growl in his voice. So he's not even completely sober. That's safe.
We continue along the village, our sacks getting heavier and heavier. Eventually we call it a night and drag all of our candy home, where we unload it in a giant bowl.
"Peeta?" I ask him as I dig through our new bowl of candy. My mouth waters, my taste buds begging to try this new treat.
"Whats a Snickers?" I ask, holding up the small candy.
"Well it's got chocolate, caramel, peanuts-" and with that, I unwrap it and sing my teeth into the small chocolatey rectangle.
Flavor bursts and pops in my mouth as I chew it. I swallow it and finish it off with a giant chomp. I savor each wave of flavor as the food soars over my tongue.
I try all of it- Milky Ways, Twix, Kit Kat, Lemonheads, Milk Duds, and then I come upon a small clear, unlabeled bag. I open it and pour it's continents onto the table.
Five triangles sit on the table, and they are all colored the same. White at the top, the orange, then yellow. I squint my eyes and looks at it. I haven't seen any candy like this, and believe me I've seen every piece of candy in that bowl.
"Thats candy corn. Try it." Peeta says, putting our bowl on top of the fridge and throwing away my candy wrappers.
I take a bite, and then shove the whole thing in my mouth. It's DELICOUS. I can't believe I like candy corn this much.
"Come on. Thats definately enough candy. Lets go to bed. We can put a movie on." Peeta says and gestures for me to follow him upstairs. I get settled into my pajamas, and while Peeta gets dressed in the closet, I swing my legs on the bed, and then holler through the shut door.
"Peeta!" I say.
"Yeah?" He yells back.
"Tomorrow, let's go to the store and buy some candy corn!" I say and I hear him laugh as he comes out of the closet, dropping his dirty clothes in our hamper.
"Whatever you say Kat. So," He claps his hands together. "What do you wanna watch? Something scary since it's Halloween?" He asks as we climb under the warm blankets. I settle back into my pillow, and then scoops over, so that I'm more settled into him than the pillow.
"Nah. I've had enough scary in my life. And I don't really like to be scared." I say and he nods in understanding. He surfs through the channels until he eventually settles on a funny movie called "The Three Stooges" A/N I watched this today! Lol I love it!
As the movie goes on, I laugh at the obnoxious noises, slowly falling into a deep sleep. I have a restless feeling that there was something I wanted to tall to him about, but I can't seem to bring it forth to my memory.
Just as I completely let go of consiousness, I remember what was bothering me, I'm to young to I have a baby. But I hear Peeta's soft snoring beside me, and decide decide to just let go of it for now.
And so goes my first Halloween.

Hey guys!
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, and it was super fun having Katniss try out the candies.
Love you all all and please vote and comment feedback!

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