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The train looks just as it used to, and stepping onto it brings back painful memories of the past. Back to a time before I was scarred by the Games. Before Peeta was hijacked, when Peeta had two legs. Before I lost Prim.
I take a shuddering breath as Peeta and I take our stuff back to our room, and two train attendants follow us back.
"Is there anything we can help you with?" One of them, a ginger named Ron says. I shake my head.
"Okay, call us if you need anything." Says the other, a girl named Hermione. Then they leave us alone. I shut the door and flop onto our bed next to Peeta.
"So, Katniss. I have a serious question to ask you." Peeta says and I looks at him.
"Ask away." I turn my head back to the cealing.
"What are you going to be for Halloween?" He asks and I burst out laughing. He scrunches his nose at me playfully.
"Im not joking. Halloween is 21 days away, and you still haven't gotten our costumes!" He says and I just continue laughing.
"How about we go as something couple wise? Like they go together." I say and he nods.
"Like Superman and Superwoman?"
"Or peanut butter and jelly?"
"Or a baseball bat and a baseball?"
"Or eggs and bacon?" I say and Peeta fist pumps the air.
"Yes! Eggs and bacon! I'm dating a genius!" He says and I laugh again. The thought of Halloween is exciting for me, since I haven't really celebrated it since my dad died.
"I call eggs." I say.
"Good cause I wanted to be bacon." Peeta says and I smile. "There's this super awesome costume store up here..... as soon as the meeting is over we can buy our costumes and get out of here." He says and I nod.
But that's far from what happened.

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"Everdeen! Mellark! Hurry, take a seat, the President is about to get here!" A voice says from the table. Peeta and I take our seats next to Annie quickly. I look over at her, and she's practically exploding with happiness.
"How have you been?" I ask her, and she looks at me, smiling.
"Great! Better than great, actually. I have huge news for you, Katniss-" but then the door swings open and she stops.
In walks our new president. I stare at him. Plutarch Heavensbee. I didn't know he had an interest in the position, but I guess so. But his face breaks into a smile.
"Katniss! How are you dear?" All eyes turn to me. My face turns slightly pink but I speak clearly.
"Fine, thanks. Yourself?" I know that they all worry for me, after what I've been through. He sighs.
"Well enough. Now, let's get this show on the road. I think we should do one final vote, don't you? Just to clarify and make sure there aren't any changed opinions?" A few people nod. He starts around the circular table, making a tally for each response.
"Johanna. Should there be one more Hunger games?" Johanna stares at her cup, and then reaches up, touching her short hair.
"Excellent. Next..... Annie?"
"No." She says firmly, and he nods.
"Yes." And it continues around the table, and soon it's Peeta's turn, and then mine.
"Look at that, we're tied. It looks like the decision depends on...... The girl on fire herself. Katniss?"
I dont answer. I feel them all watching me, Peeta waiting for me to say my answer, say what I promised to say. But I think. I think of Prim, and Rue, and Finnick...
But they wouldn't have wanted this. I recall the pain I feel for Prim, and know that Snow's granddaughter doesn't deserve that, none of the Capitol children deserve to feel the sort of pain that I do.
"Katniss?" I look up at their expecting faces.
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"I can't believe you just threw that away Katniss. Our one chance to show the Capitol what they deserve is now down the drain. Nice going genius."
"Leave her alone Johanna."
"Dont tell me what to do. Our last chance is gone!"
"Johanna if you dont leave I'm calling someone to take you away." Peeta says in a rough voice, and I hear Johanna huff away. Peeta comes in and sits beside me on the bed, and takes my hand. For a moment neither of us say anything, the silence settling around us like a blanket. Finally he speaks.
"You did the right thing Katniss." He says, and I nod, and get under the covers.
"I dont even know what the right thing is anymore." I mumble, and I feel his hand on my back. But I sigh loudly, thinking over what I just did. I did something good. I saved twenty three innocent lives.
"I'm glad you chose to say no Katniss." He says and I nod under the covers.
"Katniss, there's something I need to tell you." He says, and I poke my head out from the covers.
"Well, it's just that I-" but then we hear a fierce pounding on my bedroom door. Johanna. I groan and slither back under the covers.
"Want me to get that?" He asks me and I nod. I hear the sound of the door unlocking, and then he speaks.
"Johanna I already told you-" Then he stops. All that I hear is silence.
"Is she gone, Peeta?" Silence.
"Peeta?" I throw the covers back, annoyed. Um about to tell both Peeta and Johanna off, but I stop.
A different person stands in my bedroom doorway.
"I- I thought you were dead." I say, getting to my feet.
"Not yet, Katniss. Not yet."

Ooo who do you guys think it is???? I know who it is, at least, I do until I decide to change it. Currentlt, and I know this will be different soon, but I dont have any readers on my latest chapters, so please, have a look at them and comment what you think.
Thanks guys,

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