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These characters, as well as their original story, belong completely to Suzanne Collins, the greatest author of all time.

■ I am still grounded however I'm aloud to update my story today. Thank god for my mother's understanding ■

"Please, ma'am you have to understand that we can't except any visitors right now." The woman over the phone says to me.
"Listen! My mother has been in the hospital for two months now, and I've been told that she's getting better! I should be able to see her!"
"Ma'am I'm sorry. She won't be out of the hospital until Christmas Eve."
"Christmas Eve? That's in two days. I should be able to see her before then." I run my fingers over my long braid, and hold the phone wih a tighter grip. "Please. I would like to see my mom before then. Is there anyway that you can let her out sooner?"
"No ma'am. These next few days she will be resting. Yesterday evening she said that she will come see you the second she is able to leave." I freeze, and Peeta looks up at me from the kitchen table.
"You mean to tell me," I say in a deadly voice. "That my mother was conscious yesterday evening and I still wasn't able to see her? That is the stupidest thing I've heard of!"
"ma'am, seeing her family would give her stress. She needs to sleep. We can promise that she will be escorted to District 12 the day after Christmas. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Everdeen."
"Wait, no! The day after Christmas? Please I just want to see her!" But the woman had already hung up.
I sit down at the table, and let out a loud exasperated sigh. Peeta lifts my chin up to look at him.
"So?" He asks.
"We still can't go visit her. She doesn't come out of the hospital until Christmas Eve, and they will 'escort'" I make air quotation marks here. "Her to our house the day after Christmas." I sigh and rub my eyes. This is to much to deal with this early in the morning, it's only 8 am.
"She'll be fine Katniss. What do you say we go finish up our Christmas shopping?" He asks, taking my hand.
"How can I shop for you if you're right next to me?" I ask him, smiling.
"I'll only be right next to you while we shop for our friends. Then I'll go shop for you, and vice versa." He says and I nod my head, still grinning. I pull my coat and hat on, but then groan in frustration.
"Whats wrong?" Peeta asks, pulling his hat on as well.
"I can't zip my coat up, my stomach's getting too big!" I say in exasperation. He laughs at me.
"Leave it open I guess." He says and opens the door for me. I shake my head at him and walk out the door, giving up on my coat.
The snow is coming down in large clumps, and they stick and melt in my hair.
"Ah!" Peeta exclaims as we walk up to the store.
"What, what's wrong?" I ask him, turning, but he just laughs.
"Choked on a snowflake." I laugh at him and walk into the store.
I grab a shopping cart and start to browse through the fishing and hunting aisle.
"This will be perfect for Johanna!" I say, grabbing a shiny, silver axe with a wooden handle. I grab a widdling knife, planning to carve her name into it.
Let the shopping begin.

I know that this is a short chaoter, but I only have another half hour to write and I wanna give you guys a Christmas Special......
Love you guys,

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