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The morning sun slants across the horizon when I get out of the shower that morning. Brushing my now long thick hair through, I look out at the colors blossoming into the morning sky. I decide to be lazy and put my hair into a ponytail instead of my usual braid. Peeta comes out of the bathroom, fully dressed and looking fresh. We walk out into the pristine dining hall for our last meal on the train.
I sit down, and start to cut up the enormous mound of blueberry pancakes that gets set down before me. Food has become one of my favorite things, and having more than enough for once is amazing. But I can never forget to feel what it's like to be starving, to be as close to death as I was.
I drizzle syrup over my cut up pancakes and dig in, stuffing my mouth over and over again. The door opens as I'm starting on my fifth bite, and I look over to see who has joined Peeta and I.
Annie and Finnick walk in, smiling and talking. Annie's arm is wrapped around Finnick's, and they take a seat opposite us. They smile at the sight of Peeta and I and we smile right back. I can still hardly believe that Finnick is back.
"So, what are you going to be for halloween?" I ask Finnick and Annie, and they burst out laughing just like I did to Peeta.
"Um... we haven't really focused on that. More on where we are moving." Annie says.
"Oh. Where are you guys moving?" Peeta asks.
"We've chosen a house in the victors village of district 12." Finnick says and peeta smiles.
"Do you know what that means?" I ask them, and they shake their heads.
"We can celebrate halloween together!"
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"Peeta. Lets throw a party." I tell him when we get hime. We dump our suitcases onto the bed and he looks over at me as he unzips his jacket.
"A party for what?"
"Halloween duh!" I say, following Peeta into the closet as he hangs his stuff up.
"Let me get this straight. You, Katniss Everdeen, want to throw a party?" He asks.
"Fine. But you can plan it yourself. I don't want you to back out and leave me in the middle of all that." He says, and I smile.
I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I sit at the table. I call each of the guests, telling them about the party.

Katniss's list of guests-

Mrs. Everdeen
Greasy Sae
Makeup crew

I finally reach Gale. All of the other guests have been told they could bring guests, and now I'm at him. My old best friend. The one who blew up a mountain, and killed my sister. I dial his number onto my cellphone. He picks up on the second ring.
"Katniss?" He asks.
"Hey Gale."
"Hi. Long time no talk huh?" He laughs quietly into the phone.
"Yeah... listen. I'm having a halloween party on Sunday and I was wondering if you could make it." I say
"Sure. I'll be there. And.... do you mind if I bring Clare?" He asks me, and I stop for a minute, my mind buzzing with conclusions like a swarm of bees.
"Who's Clare?"
"My new girlfriend. She works with me, and when I met her we clicked instantly." Gale says through the phone. When he speaks this way, I'm reminded of how Peeta talks to me. I made the right choice. Gale never talked about me this way.
"Yeah. Sure." I say.
"If it makes you uncomfortable then-"
"No! No, it's fine, it's fine, I promise." I get up from the table and walk over to the counter as I talk.
"Good. How are things with you and Peeta going?" He asks me, and I bloom with happiness, glad to be given the chance to talk with pride about Peeta. I honestly couldn't have asked for anyone better.
"Great. We're doing fabulous, thanks for asking." I say, and I can practically see him nodding in response. I hear a voice in the background. A woman's voice.
"Thats Clare calling me. I gotta go. See you Sunday Catnip." He says, and then the line goes dead.
"Bye." I say, three seconds too late.

Time transition to the day of the party

The living room is filled with people, and I clutch a water in my hand as I get complimented on my party. People move around, grabbing food and talking, catching up on what's been going on since we defeated the Captiol. Then the doorbell rings, and it's the last couple to show up.
I open the door to find Gale and Clare. "Hi guys. Come on in." I say, moving out of the way so that they could get in. I notice that Clare has a small bump on her stomach.
"We're having a baby! Isn't that a great Katniss?" Gale asks me, spotting me noticing her stomach. I smile, nodding, feeling genuinely happy for them.
"Thats great!" I say, smiling. Clare pokes my stomach rather hard.
"I see you have one too!" She says to me, grinning. My smile drops ever so slightly at her comment.
"Um... no, actually, I'm not pregnant. No baby for me." I say, trying hard not to give her the foulest look possible.
"Oh. Well, it's so hard to tell, you must get that a lot!" She says. I clench my fists angrily, and respond through gritted teeth.
"I dont actually. You're the first person who's ever been rude enough to say something." I say, irritated. She raises her eyebrows.
"Really? You're kinda on the fat side Katniss." Clare's says, and just then, Peeta pops up.
"What did you just say?" He asks, angry. His eyes shoot venim, and i expect to see Clare cower beneath him- I certainly would have- but instead she makes goo goo eyes at him.
"And who are you?" She asks, smiling a well practiced smile. My face turns beet red, and Gale chooses that moment to drag her away, muttering an apology in my ear.
The party goes on, and i try to make as little contact with Clare and Gale as possible.I start to get worried that I will never be able to catch up with my 'cousin'. But Gale says that he has decided to stay in town a few more days, and maybe we could catch up without Clare there. I accept his offer, looking forward to going back to just best friends.
Slowly the party empties out, leaving Peeta and I alone. I'm in a drunken state, having taken up Haymitch on his offers. Peeta is as well, and he leads me upstairs, and though I feel dizzy, and know what's going to happen, the drunk me doesn't care, and follows him to the bedroom.
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The next morning, I feel a wave of sickness crash through me like a tsunami. I jump up from the bed and run to the bathroom, and vomit last night's dinner in the bathroom. Annoyed with myself for taking Haymitch's drink offer and getting sick again, I climb under the warm covers and call him to complain while Peeta leaves for work.
I dial his number and he picks up on the third ring.
"Hullo?" He sounds drunk and stupid, not the kind of Haymitch I want to talk to. I do a hard sigh.
"Haymitch. I hope your happy. I've puked my guts out this morning just because you wouldn't shut up about me trying your white liquor!" I say into the phone angrily. I'm annoyed, and my temper feels like it's rising with the seconds.
He laughs a deep laugh. "Are you sure my liquor is the reason your puking? Maybe..... maybe something else happened? Hmm?" He asks and I can feel him grinning through the phone. I wish I could slap him for saying anything like that. But then I think. It is very possible that the liquor isn't what's going on here.
When I don't answer, he continues. "When you feel up to it, go to the store and buy a test, and if it's negative, you can come and smack me across the face for daring to say something like this. But let me say, I'm pretty sure I'm right. I'd bet my liquor stash." He says, and I end the call, knowing he's right.
At the store, the woman rings up my single purchase. She looks at me, and her eyes widen slightly.
"Katniss Everdeen, right?" She says, as she punches a few numbers in I nod my head.
"I hope this comes out positive for you," she taps the test with her well manicured finger before placing it in a shopping bag. "I know your last baby was a little...... well it was an unfortunate case indeed. Best of luck to you." She says, and I nod, walking out as briskly as possible.
When I look at the results ten minutes later, a feeling of releif and something else rushes over me. I'm not quite sure what I feel about this. The results sit clear and simple upon the test, and I stare at them for a moment, clutching the sink.

Hey guys! What do you think it is?? I'm sorry for giving small hints on what's going on but I don't feel comfortable going into details and such in that catefory, sorry.... anyways, love you all, and thanks for reading!

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