Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen

(Mariah's POV)

I woke up dreary,my head was pounding like a bitch.I was in no mood to all.

I yawned,immediately regretting it afterward.The pressure,sent strikes of nerves to my brain causing me to groan in pain.

This little sound,that sent evaporation waves into the air,made someone,something beside me jerk and groan.

Sounded like Louis.When he shifted,the blanket moved,and my body was revealed.

Wait what..?Why am I naked in bed with Louis???

Wait Louis has his clothes on,why don't I?

What happened last night?

Was I drunk?

Shit did I have sex with Louis!?

No no no no no no!!

What is wrong with me!?

I'm such a whore!I deserve to die.To rot in hell.

My breathing quickened drastically,everything around me was spinning uncontrollably.

My anxiety was going up,and I felt like I was about to pass out in the matter of seconds.

Lou shot right up,he wasn't wearing a shirt,nor pants,just superman boxers....umm Jason has superman boxers......okay..??

"L-l-Louis,what did we do?!"my voice was trembling and my eyes were growing wetter and wetter by the minute.

"No shhh...Don't cry...,"he said trying to grab my arm,"we didn't do anything...but you did.."

He put his face down quickly,as the blanket fell.I jumped and dragged it back up over my breast.

"Sorry,"I whispered,"but what do you mean I did it?"

"You and zayn...I'm sorry.I was so angry I just left,I should've stayed and made sure nothing was happening between you two"

"S-so me and zayn?"

He nodded.


(Louis's POV)

~Last night~

I heard it all.The moans the groans,everything.

I had tears,slowly making their way to the end of my chin.Some got stuck in my stubble,while others,they hit the floor making it wet with drops of cold,jealous tears.

"I hate him"I mumbled sliding down the wall by Zayns door.

I waited.I waited for his snores.He always snores after he's had sex,don't ask me why,it's just one of the things that make him him.

Finally about twenty minutes of waiting,I heard the first snore.I knew Zayn.There could be a war going on in his bedroom and he wouldn't wake up.

Carefully,I opened his door,knowing they were both asleep,I walked over to Mariah.

I picked her up,and carried her bridal style,out of his room and into mine.I didn't mind that she wasn't wearing any clothes.Not like I'm a perv or anything,but it's not like I didn't like it.

Carefully I placed her under the covers,she mumbled something creepy and mysterious,it really made me wonder what she meant.

"Don't let him get me"

It was a whisper,but it left chills down my spine.


Her father?

Abandoned Love-A one Direction FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now