Chapter eight

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Chapter eight

(Harry's POV)

I need to know more.She doesn't tell us anything.

All I know is that,her dad beat her,her mom walked out,and that she cuts herself.But I know there is so much more that she is not telling us.

But why?

Why does she do it?Thats what I need to know.

I need to know what Louis said to her in the car.I need to know what happened before she got on the plane.

I just want to know.I want to ask her,but that would be pushy and lead to her hating me.

She's been acting weird lately.She has opened up a lot,but at the same time,she has closed so many doors.

It's like she wants to open up,but at the same time she's afraid of what will happen if she does.

(Anonymous's POV)

She's here.Where else would she be?

Only here.

How could they have found me in the airport?

They left me off with only a warning I'm ight

Just because I'm an American!!!!

Now I just got to find her.She can't go far.

I saw a picture of her and Jason with two guys.

One with curly brown hair.....which is her relative,and then one with blackish brown hair.

As you do know,I'm not who you think I am.

I may be called her father,but am I really? That's the question.

And is her mom,really her mom?

Also I had to call some one today...we had a nice chat.

Lets just say,she may have been.....

(Mariah's POV)

We finally I arrived at the studio and I unbuckled Jason.

"So what do you do,at these kind of photo shoots?"I asked carrying Jason.

"Errr....take some pictures,eat,laugh,play,eat,take some pictures,fool around,eat,take some-"

"Okay I got it"I laughed entering the building.

A couple girls walked up to us with suits in her hand,the boys gracefully took them and walked off leaving me alone:Thanks.

"Are you gonna be in the photo shoot as well?"the girls asked.

I shook my head,"no"

"My names Lou,I am their stylis.This is Jasemin,and this is Loire,there hair stylist and make up artist"Lou smiled.

"I'm Mariah,and this is Jason"I said quietly.

Jasemin,actually really looked like the girl from Aladdin.She was beautiful!

Loire was a younger lady,she had bright orange hair,that had green streaks in it.She had many piercing,and she had black eyes.

"Follow us"Jasemin ordered nicely,she had a very thick Indian accent.

I nodded and walked with the three girls.We entered a very large room,it had many mirrors,it had many styling chairs,and it had hard wood floors.

"This is where we do our styling,and our dancing thingys"Loire smiled.

I was about to respond with an,'oh',but I was interrupted by a very adorable little girl running past me and into Lou.

"Mwommy!"she smiled jumping up into Lou's arms.

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