Chapter nine

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(Mariah's POV)

I don't want to go to therapy..Nope...Nope....Nope.

So I'm not going!


I'd rather die...

The clock said 7 and I figured I'd have time to do something with my self,so I ran into the bathroom and did what I always do.

I slowly pulled out my drawer,and grabbed my fancy pink razor.

Slowly,against my soft skin,I cut once...Twice....Three times....Four.

I lost count after 40,my arms becoming covered in blobs of blood.

I never thought id be the girl who skipped a meal every night,and covered my arms with long sleeves.

My mind began to race,and my eyes began to shut.The next thing I knew,my body was being smashed against the ground,falling unconscious.

(Louis's POV)

I was walking down the stairs after my shower.Everything was normal,Liam was watching soccer with Niall while drinking tea,Harry was probably shovelling the snow that we get almost everyday,and Zayn was,I'm sure of it,sleeping.

Like always....

I watched Harry shovel the car out,than the drive way,he looked tried....Poor widdle Hazza.

Suddenly there was a loud thud coming from up stairs,we thought it was Zayn,so we just let it go.

"Did anyone hear that?"Zayns groggily voice traveled down the halls and slid against the floors.

We all exchanged looks before dashing up the stairs,SHIT PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE MARIAH!!!!


We made it up to her door,opening it quickly,she wasn't there.

Liam walked over to Jason,and picked him up slowly,"just in case"he whispered,then leaving with Jason probably to his room.

"Guys it's locked"Zayn spoke,his hand already on the handle.

I noticed a bobby pin on her dresser so I quickly grabbed it and handed it to Zayn.

In a matter of seconds,the door was open.

"How'd you do that?"Niall asked.

"My sisters used to always lock their doors when they were angry with me,so I learned how to do this"

We nodded,but as soon as we entered the bathroom,we all gasped frowning...shocked.

No why!!? FUCK WHAT!!

Jeez I don't knows what to do...I just!.

"Mariah!"Niall yelled,making the first move,and leaping over to her.

We all crowded around her,soon Liam came in to save the day.

"Guys why are you just standing here....Louis,go get her a new shirt,Niall go start the car,Zayn help me clean her arm."

Liam was shooting orders like a Sargent,I followed them of course,and ran to her dresser grabbing her a log sleeved loose shirt.

(Liam's POV)

Zayn and I picked her up quickly an placed her on the sink,washing the blood off her cuts.

After that I bandaged them up,and changed her shirt.

It was a long process,but finally we got her into the car with Louis,and watched them drive off.

(Mariah's POV)

Abandoned Love-A one Direction FanFicDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu