A Very Fond Farewell

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Author's Note: Hello Everyone! So I want to say: Thank you for such wonderful comments, follows and votes. It filled me with determination to want to make a really good chapter which resulted in this update. I shall keep this author's note short, again forgive my grammar error's that I have overlooked and I hope that this chapter is easy to read and full of emotions that I hope I conveyed well.

You can watch this video now or at the end of this chapter, I thought it was very fitting for this chapter and if you can't see the link or if it comes out just letters then you can go to youtube and search Middle Earth - The Last Goodbye by Billy Boyd and the youtube uploader is The VooJooze:


Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit, and when you read The Lord of the Rings. All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. I only own Belle and her family. Anything else from the movie or any quotes and scenes I take no ownership in. Thank you and enjoy this chapter.

It was a beautiful day today; the birds were singing and the sun high in the sun...the light reflecting off the water before me as the water rippled calmly on such a peaceful day. I could smell the salty sea breeze drift on by every so often when the wind would pick up and I closed my eyes, enjoying the peace before our friends came to join us.

I stood on one of the boards close to the water as I stared down at my reflection, the years had not aged me one bit and though most in my race would be contempt about that I sometimes would envy those that led a mortal life. To be able to age with your friends, to age with the one you love instead of living to a point where you have outlived everyone that you know.

I suppose in the years that past, I would sometimes think of such depressing subjects such as that...but there is always someone who will interrupt where my thoughts would take me.


Frerin's reflection came to stand beside me as I looked as his reflection in the water.

"Yes Frerin?" I questioned as I turned to my son who smiled happily at me.

"They're here." Frerin said as he motioned with his head toward the entrance way.

I followed his gaze to see Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn and Lord Elrond making their way toward us. Instantly, my children came to my side and the seven of us bowed in respect and greeting to them.

When Lady Galadriel came to stand in front of us she nodded her head to us with a beautiful smile gracing her face.

"So these are your children." Lady Galadriel said as she looked to both Frerin and Antien. "Your sons are beginning to look so much like their father." Lady Galadriel then looked to my daughter Estelwen. "And your daughter's beauty blooms every day."

"Thank you Lady Galadriel." My three children voiced out in unison as they smiled happily to each other.

"They have such strength within them, you and Thorin have done well raising them this far" Lady Galadriel commented as she came to stand in front of me.

"Thank you my Lady." I said with another bow.

"It has been a very long time since the last I had seen you Bellethiel." Lady Galadriel said.

"Too long." I mumbled with a sad smile. "It is a shame that after so long, we meet at last only to say a final farewell."

"So you will not be joining us." Lady Galadriel said, though it was not a question but a statement as she smiled at me...clearly already knowing my answer.

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