The Council of Strangers

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Author's Note: Hello Everyone! Merry Late Christmas and a Happy New Year! (At least, if I uploaded this on time it should be New Years for everyone around the world except for Hawaii where I am since we're the last to turn 2016). I hope you all stay safe and greet the New Year with a smile! Thank you for all the reviews, follows and favorites! They really made my day. Sorry for the long author's note in the last chapter. I do hope you enjoy this updated chapter! If you see any grammatical errors then I'm sorry, I probably overlooked it and I will fix it when I get to a computer. I hope that this chapter is still readable! Enjoy everyone and Happy New Years!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings! Anything I mention from the movies or the books I claim no rights to. All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Thank you for bringing such an amazing world to life! I only claim Bellethiel and her kin.

'Imladris...' I thought as I pulled on the reigns of my horse, jumping off as I soothed the magnificent beast beside me. 'Last I was here was when I had escorted Bilbo on his last adventure...'

We had something to accomplish here and I was interested to see the reaction that I would get when I walked through the gates.

I was dressed in my finest garb. My regular black get up...slightly different from when I had arrived at the Shire all those years ago. My black tunic and leggings, black boots and a cape fastened securely around my neck. On my cape I bare the crest of Durin's folk and I held my head high as I passed through the archway leading into Imladris.

I was sent here along with a few many dwarves to represent our Kingdom. Though, mingling along my company were my nephews and my children who insisted they come with in order to visit their dear uncle.

The years that have passed have molded them into fine and honorable elves. Though, as much as a headache I thought my nephews were when taking children have taken on their stubbornness and it only intensified with the dwarf genes mingling in them. They would not take no for an answer when I had told them that they need to stay in Erebor, protected in the walls of our home. But in time I had to give in, the world outside always called to them...always urging them to go on an adventure. And I have taught them enough fighting skills that my eldest son has outmatched the skills of Fili, Kili and Dwalin put together.

"You three must promise to stay out of trouble." I ordered as I turned to my children. "I have some business to attend to and you three will stay with Mister Bilbo."

"Yes Nana." Frerin said with a nod as he smiled and reached out to give me a long hug.

"You need not worry about us Nana." Antien said. "We have given you no reason to worry. We've been on our best behavior."

"You will tell us everything that happens in this counsel won't you?" Frerin questioned.

"Only if I deem it something worth you three knowing." I mumbled as I brushed them off. "Go now, I think Bilbo will be quite happy and surprised to see you three."

Mu children smiled eagerly at each other before running off into Imladris, but not before Estelwen turned to give me a kiss on the cheek before catching up with her brothers.

I watched them go before they disappeared from my sight and I couldn't help but worry for them the moment I couldn't see them.

"They'll be fine Nana." Beriohtarion commented as he came to my side.

"You can't coddle them their whole lives." Balamaethor said as he came to bump into my shoulder.

"No, but I can try." I said with a slight chuckle before leading us further into the city. "Let us go or we will be late."

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