Girls Do Talk

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! I'm still alive! So here's the thing that's the problem as to why chapters weren't coming out so fast as before. It's not that I'm having writers block, it's due to me thinking really hard on what should go where. I don't want to have the problem where if I update and I find out that a certain chapter would've been good to submit after certain events or before. If that makes ANY sense at all haha. Thank you EVERYONE for all the comments, favorites, votes and follows! They all made me very happy and I'm happy that you guys are enjoying this story!

Here's my goal in mind: I'm hoping to get another chapter out before my birthday, which is next week...Tuesday I think it is. So everyone cross your fingers and hope I can reach my goal. At least to be able to upload it early early Tuesday or late Monday!

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Any references and characters you notice belong to them, I only own Bellethiel, her family, and the elves that are under her command. Any grammar errors that you find that I have overlooked I hope that you forgive me and I hope that it is still easy to read! I will look it over once I get some sleep!

Thank you Fanfic_OTP_Nerd (aka supergirlz45) for mentioning me in her story The Randír! You should go check out her story (A Hobbit Fanfic as well) when you get the chance! I just feel incredibly truly honored when someone feels like my story is worth mentioning! So thank you mellon nín (my friend)!

Update: Thank you Otaku_Bambi! She commented on the past chapter about having a conversation between two people (you shall see as you read), and originally it was going to go that way in this chapter, but I didn't know how to add it in that way. But I remember, after seeing their comment that it really pushed me to try hard to make it work. So, thank you again Otaku_Bambi and sorry I didn't mention it before! Your notification suddenly made me remember that comment!!

IMPORTANT READ: There is possibly a story that I have been thinking about for quite some time now (probably came about while I was writing The Rebel)! Once this "filler" story is over with I will be posting a preview at the very end! It is going to be about Thorin and Bellethiel, and The Hobbit though what it is I will not post about it until after this is finished. If a lot of people is interested in it when I post the preview then I will be uploading it, but if not many are interested then I will only be sending it to the few who are. So keep an eye out for that! Anyway! Sorry for the LONG author's note! Enjoy!

"What happened to them...?" I questioned sadly, looking back and forth between my nephews.

I was standing right between the two beds, my shoulders were sagging and I evaluated how badly my nephews looked. Balamaethor had layers of bandages wrapped around his head while Beriohtarion had bandages all over his body.

"They..." Thenidiel mumbled. "they were found by the Great Eagles. According to one of the Eagles, Balamaethor was unconscious and Beriohtarion was sitting close to his brother, he wouldn't let any of the Eagles get close until he fainted as well."

"When they went over the side of the cliff, Balamaethor knocked his head hard when they hit the ground below. Beriohtarion protected his brother from Bolg...if it wasn't for Legolas...well..." Tirananniel mumbled from behind me. "They probably would've been in a much worse condition then you see now."

"This is my fault...Tirananniel..." I stated as I knelt to the ground and placed my hands on either side of the beds that held my nephews.

"Now, don't go saying that." Tirananniel said trying to console me.

The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)Where stories live. Discover now