Not In A Festive Mood

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Author's Note: Hello Hobbit fans! Thank you everyone who read, commented, voted, and followed. It really made me happy to see such a response! Hopefully more will start to read as more chapters get updated. =) Sorry for the late update, I was meaning to submit this earlier, but the first draft just didn't fly well with me and I had to redo things here and there. So hopefully this finished project isn't such a letdown!

Again, thank you everyone who followed, voted and commented the first chapter! I'm happy you guys enjoyed it, even though it was only the first chapter. Any grammar errors or anything that I missed and it got confusing a bit then I'm sorry, I will be sure to look at it and change things when I read it over again once more! =)

Disclaimer: You know the drill! I do not own ANYTHING from The Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Anything or any reference you recognize from the movie do not belong to me and all I own is Belle, her kin and the elves that follow her. This chapter is a bit short, but I still hope that you enjoy it! Happy reading!

(Third P.O.V)

The day came and went for the survivors and everyone that was camped in what was left of Dale was busy for the remainder of the day. There was not one person just sitting about doing nothing, the healers were running about rushing to tend to the wounded, and those that weren't wounded were guarding the outskirts of the city making sure that none of the orcs that retreated back would dare attack again. Thorin, Bard, and Thranduil were busy negotiating in the tent that Tirananniel had bought Thorin and his kin in with Gandalf baring witness and making sure an argument wouldn't transpire between the leaders. Bilbo...well Bilbo stayed by Bellethiel's side having not the heart to leave his friend alone.

When night crept up on the survivors, the cold came along with it. Thorin, Thranduil and Bard began to discuss about relocating the survivors into the halls of Erebor to protect their people against the biting cold, or at least protect the race of men from the cold.

With the help of those that were capable of moving the wounded from Dale to Erebor, they were able to assist the injured and the wounded over the makeshift bridge that the dwarves created into the protected walls of the kingdom. The survivors made themselves comfortable and at home...they felt safe and were able to finally relax.

The next day however there was talk of a celebratory feast, a feast to rejoice in reclaiming the mountain and coming out victorious against such terrible foes. And while the talk of a feast began to lift the spirits of the warriors and survivors, it was a completely different story for Thorin and the company. For the first time, they weren't in the mood for song and dance...for how could they celebrate when those that had played an important part in the quest wouldn't be joining them. The absence of their friend affected everyone and their activities.

Dwalin was more irritable than usual, Ori would be found attempting to draw and document the journey, but failing. Fili and Kili weren't even in high spirits like they usually were. Balin would be found alone in the library with a book in front of him, reading the same lines over and over, having a hard time concentrating. Even Bombur who loved to eat and Bofur who loved to sing took no joy in their was the same for the rest of the company as well.

The only people who knew of the great sacrifice Bellethiel and her kin made for the line of Durin was the company, Dáin, Tirananniel, and quite possibly Thranduil and Bard for whenever they would look at Bellethiel they looked at her with a heavy sadly, Thorin had no say in the matter of there being a great feast, because those that had to go through such a traumatic ordeal needed something to be happy about.

The Rebel and Her King (Thorin x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora