Lady Dís

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Author's Note: Hello everyone! Happy 4th of July! I hope you all stayed safe and enjoyed the fireworks! I had to enjoy it from my house instead of going to the mall parking lot. ^w^ I was thinking of updating this tomorrow night, but I wanted to update soon so I can move on to the next chapter! =) Thank you everyone for the response from last chapter! Thanks for all the follows, votes, comments and everyone adding my story to their list! It made me happy and I really hope that everyone is enjoying this story!

(I tried to find a good picture of Dís, but this is a cute picture and I liked it, so I hope you like it too)

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hobbit! All rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. Any references, places, and characters you notice from The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings (if I end up making references from there) belong to those two men! Any grammar errors that you see I will say that I'm sorry! I hope that even with the grammar errors and mispelled words that this chapter is still easy to read! Any way! Enjoy the chapter ladies and gents!

(Thorin's P.O.V)

I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation, it's been at least a week since the feast was held and from the start I was swamped with such tedious assignments given to me. I won't say that I'm not enjoying this work, it's just that because of all the stuff I had to attend to, it's been keeping me busy and it's also been keeping me away from being by Bellethiel's side.

Bard and I have gone straight to work making plans and preparations on restoring Dale, we decided that Esgaroth would have to wait. When I had asked why we shouldn't try restoring Esgaroth first, Bard replied that he feels that they shouldn't take advantage of my hospitality, that if they were to work on Esgaroth first they would still need to stay in Erebor to work on Dale. I assured him that having him and the survivors in Erebor is no trouble at all, but he wouldn't budge from his decision. So with the help of the gold in this mountain, we started contacting people and with the help of Dáin and Thranduil speaking to a few people, we were able to bring as much resources needed to at least try and rebuild some of the structures in Dale, at least so the buildings are safe and warm to accommodate all the survivors.

Thranduil had decided to head back to the Woodland Realm, stating that there would be patrols going through the forest to assist any dwarves that passed through his realm. He assured that they would safely escort any groups to the mountain to which I was extremely grateful for. With Bellethiel's followers, they stayed in the mountain and helped move debris around and out of the mountain by order of Thenidiel, who surprisingly took the leadership role with counseling from Mellimeldisiel and Tirananniel. Thranduil had stated that their banishment was lifted, but they all decided that as much as they appreciate the offer, their place was by Bellethiel, a decision Thranduil respected.

The elves that stayed behind split into two groups, one staying in Erebor to help us while the other went into Dale to assist Bard every day before the sun rose.

The things that were going on weren't the cause of my problems now, the reason for my troubles was that word has spread and dwarves were beginning to return back to the mountain. Dwarves that had a problem with elves being in the mountain and I had to ensure that no trouble would arise due to unnecessary arguments between the two races. Thankfully, Thenidiel made my job easier as she spoke to all the elves that remained in the mountain to keep out of the way of the arriving dwarves and if they have confrontation to just walk away and go about their work.

And as if being the peacemaker wasn't enough, my grandfather's counselors were the first group of dwarves to arrive in the mountain...they voiced rather bluntly and rudely on their dislike on elves being inside the mountain...that they had no right to stay. Balin made it slightly easier; being part of the counsel he was able to have them see some reason as to why they were here. After we had told them everything, they were a little apprehensive to believe that elves would have returned to the mountain to willingly help dwarves...and at some point during the conversation I had lost my patiences.

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