Chapter 11: Avonri Shurty(Training)

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Hey guys as promised here is the next chapter. This chapter is going to be training info. Just to clarify ahead of time that yes Kayla is still blind but she uses her senses to be able to fell the difference in spaces and around people.

I hope you huys enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 11: Avonri Shurty(Training)

We run for more than ten hours before stopping for a rest. Everyone sighs in relief and collapses to the ground. Werewolves have very good stamina but if they do not use it, it begins to dwindle. Very few wolves are able to do as I did on my patrols at least not without being very winded. It took me nearly three weeks to get my stamina to push eighteen hours. Now I am going to have to push myself to be able to get that again and havethe group be able to do that too. All of us change to human form so that we can eat from our supplies. I feel that they will need a two hour break before moving on to the next part of the training. I sigh and move to stand.

"Kayla, what are we going to do right now," asks Sona one of the girls of the group.

"For now we will have a two or three hour break. I need two others to go hunting with me while the rest of you prepare this place as our three weeks camp," I tell them.

"Yes," they say.

I take John and Sona with me on the hunt in wolf form. I smell five deer to the north of us and head in that direction. We slow down as we approach the deer. John moves to block the left side and Sona blocks the back. They are gonna drive the deer my way and  try to take one of them down each. I crouch down in a set of bushes waiting for the deer to come my way. Ten minutes later, I can hear the deer coming my way. I stay still and barely breath. I sense a sift in my range of feel. A deer is about to jump over my head. As the deer jumps, I leap up and at the deer. My teeth dig into the does neck and a quickly snap it. I drag the deer out of the bush with me. Sona and John are approaching me from their areas. It seems that Sona was able to catch a deer but John was unsuccessful. Well he is young still he will gain skill with time and training.

'Of course he will,' says Snow for the first time in almost two months.

'Snow, I thought that you were gone forever,' I say after a pause.

'No. I just took longer to heal than you,' she says.

'Oh thank goodness. Do you know what has caused the senses change,' I ask.

'It seems that the spirits have decided that you will need this new ability for something,' she says.

I sigh and refocous on traveling back to camp. When we arrive, four tents are up, a fire is going, and a drying rack are set up. A spit is set up so that food can be cooked evenly.  Another tent is on it's way up. I nod to them in appreciation. Most of them sigh in relief and try to relax. I cut my deer up and prepare to put it out to dry. Sona puts hers to cook on the pit after she gutts it and throughs the stuff away.

I sit and relax against a tree while the food cooks and the last tent is put up. We are all going to share tents. Two people to a tent except for one the largest will have us three girls in it. I listen as the others begin to settle down and relax. They allow themselves to relax and cool down from our run.

After dinner , I allow them twenty more minutes, before I  stand up. I hear the others groan as they stand up and streach.

"Alright. For the next two weeks we shall be going by this schedual.From nine in the morning until seven in the afternoon we shall be running. From seven til ten will be a break for dinner and some extra sleep or training depending on how well you did in the last session. From ten until five in the morning, will be training in wolf or human form. That training will change forms everyday," I tell them.

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