Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Mac’s head couldn’t stop spinning that afternoon. Dean must’ve been smoking something in his free time. He had to leave for class and asked her to watch Megan rather then call the babysitter. He wanted an answer to his proposal when he got back. The tricky part was Mac didn’t have an answer. She should’ve laughed and told him hell no but she didn’t, and she questioned why. It was because of Megan, it was always about that kid. Dean was a good father and Megan was happy with him, no one had the right to rip that a way from her. Mac had the power to help them.

“You don’t mind having me around?” Mac asked the little girl as she helped wash up for bed.

“No you’re more fun then Judy, she likes to just watch game shows on TV and says she’s too old to be running around. I heard Daddy ask you to marry him.”

Mac smiled, the kid was an eavesdropper already. “What do you think about that?” it would help to have anyone’s input even if she was four.

“I like you and daddy likes you, he’s said so.”

Megan was sweet but far from the truth, Dean Chandler and Mac Ashby would never like each other, they tolerated each other. It was a bitter thought but the truth. “Let’s get you to bed.” Megan’s room was colorful and loaded with toys, the kid was happy no denying that. Dean made it back home in time to tuck Megan in and read another chapter from their book.

Mac paced the living room as father and daughter said goodnight. He wanted an answer and she still couldn’t force herself to say no and walk away. This was insane; the thought of them married was just insane. But for Megan it might work, it would help Dean’s case and it wasn’t like they had to be married forever. Her mind continued to play tug of war. He had a point; she had helped him with Megan in the past and lied to help Dean give her a better life.  There were no misconceptions between them; they would go in with eyes wide open. So what if they had made out heavily years ago….it didn’t mean anything.

“You look deep in thought.” Dean commented as he stepped closer.

“I’m trying to decide if I should sign myself over to the devil.” Some habits died hard or not at all, she would banter with Dean until the day they died. “Look we’re not friends and I hate you a lot of the time but you are a good father and you deserve to keep Megan and keep up the good work.” She thought of her mother that was barely there and the father she didn’t know. She admired Dean for what he was doing with Megan.

“What does that mean?”

Mac groaned. “It means I don’t know! We’d have to make it believable and I don’t think that’s possible.”

“That’s just minor details.”

She looked into his eyes and had never seen them that serious. “You really want me to do this.” She sank down into the sofa feeling more confused then before. “Ok if we do this we have to do it right and cover every detail.” There was no other way without feeling a ton of guilt.

“You’re saying yes?”

Mac said a silent prayer. “Yeah I’ll marry you.”

“Oh whoa.” He sat down as well.

“You want to back out already?” Mac asked, hopeful.

“No.” he looked at her. “Right now this is the only option I have and Megan comes first. This isn’t my dream wedding either but if it works it’ll be worth it.”

Mac nodded. “Yes you get to keep your daughter, what do I get out of this?” she asked as it just occurred to her, yes it would be great for Dean and Megan but she was signing over her life as well.

Dean’s grin was mischievous. “What do you want?”

Mac punched him in the arm hard. “Not you pervert.” She said strongly and hopped her cheeks weren’t red as that damn kiss passed through her mind.

“Geez this sounds familiar.” Dean said after he stopped laughing. “But this time you aren’t blackmailing me.”

“Yet.” Mac crossed her arms and leaned back into the couch as she gave this arrangement more thought.

“You said yes, you can’t back out. I know this is asking a lot.”

“Oh yeah.” Mac would continue to give it thought; he was going to have to come up with something to prove he was thankful. “We need to come up with a date to do this and a cover story.” 

“Cover story?”

“Well yeah we can’t tell people I popped up and we cooked up this marriage scheme to keep your kid. We need to make it look real remember.” She nearly gagged at the last part. This was not going to be easy in any sense of the word. “How did you sweep me off my feet and got me to say yes?”

The mischievous grin was back and a glint in his eyes. “You don’t want me to come up with that.”

“You’re still a kid. Some things don’t change; actually I haven’t seen any changes in you.”

He looked at her, more slowly then that afternoon. “You have, I like the tight jeans and the touch of make-up.”

Again Mac tried not to blush. “Cut it out Chandler or I swear I will kick you in the balls.” She stood and quickly turned around to face him, she did not need Dean looking at her butt. “I have to get going.”

“Wait.” He grabbed a hold of her wrist. “Isn’t this one of those things we have to figure out? If we’re getting married you have to move in.” Mac’s shoulders fell, how could she have not realized that? Everything was happening so fast she missed the very obvious details. Dean continued to lay on the good news. “We have to make it real and Megan is not a good liar so we’ll have to share a room.” In other words they’d have to fake being a couple nearly every moment of every day.

She sat back down and they hashed out a plan once and for all. Tomorrow Mac would move in and a week later they would be married. That gave them three weeks to perfect their lie before going in front of the judge.

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