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Who... who am I? I don't even remember any more. It's been so long... since... since what? I'm not sure. Time has taken its toll, fading my memory and my soul. 

I've been stuck in this place for as long as I can remember. I don't even look the same as I used to. Over time, my magnificent looks have faded, and dissolved into a hollow husk of what I once was. Now I'm nothing but frail code, drifting aimlessly. 

I still have a vague memory of what I looked like. A little girl, wearing a froggie hat... frog... my name was frog. No, wait... my name was in a different language. It was in an old tongue, long forgotten, but fragments remain. The language was called... Latin. Frog in Latin was... Rana. 

Rana. The name brings back memories that I have not touched for what feels like an eternity. I can feel cool breeze over my skin, sunlight shining down on me. The sun. What is the sun? I think it creates light, but what is light? In this place, I cannot see. I cannot feel. I am only code, able to think, but nothing more. 

But why am I here? I remember something else. Working together with other mobs, to help someone. However, in the end, the one we helped was the one that sent us to this place. Who was it? His name escapes my mind, but I remember what he was like. It makes me feel scared, even simply thinking about him. 

He gave us help. He made us able to do things that I cannot recall, yet I know that they were great things that made us more powerful than any other mob. But he crept into our minds, and told us that we needed to give him our heads. When we refused, he sent us away, to the place we still rest in today. 

I remember his name now. He was called the wither. He said he needed our heads to create a body for him. We did not trust him, though. It felt too suspicious, him giving us all these gifts and only wanting us to donate a couple of heads. So we rejected the offer, and he sent us away, where we would never see anything again. 

Did we make the right choice, though? Maybe he did just want a body, and we had been banished forever for no reason. Maybe the wither meant no harm. I will never know, for in this place, we have no way of knowing what happens in Minecraft. 

Minecraft. My homeland. It was so wonderful, nothing like the place I am in now. I wonder how much it has changed since I last stepped foot on its blocky terrain. I hope it is still as beautiful as I remember it to be. 

What happened to the wither, though? Did he take the heads of some other creature? Or is he still wandering around, trying to convince other mobs to help him? I hope he isn't harming anyone. Not all mobs are kind to other mobs. 

But sadly, I have no way of knowing. Maybe someday we'll be rescued from this place. Or maybe we'll stay here forever.

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