Snow Golem

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Two blocks of snow and a pumpkin. That's all we are. We're nothing, just a few blocks stuck together by humans. Why? So we can spread snow.

Nobody takes us seriously. They build us, then leave us. Most humans see us as just a joke, a utility. Once we've spread a few patches of snow, they grow tired of us, and leave us to melt in the blistering heat of the sun.

They don't know our story. They don't know that inside every single pumpkin, there's a spark of life, the potential to become something great. We can look at endermen without fear. We can fend off mobs for players. But instead, they decide to plonk us on top of a couple of blocks of snow.

I could have been an iron golem. I could have been a huge, hulking monster, protecting humans and valiantly fighting off mobs. So why did they turn me into a snow golem?

When I was being built, I could hear every word that the humans said. I heard laughter, and it was obvious that they were just building me for fun. They sounded like they were just noobs, excited that they had found a pumpkin and could make something from it.

I remember growing up, nothing but a tiny seed. Somehow I knew that I was going to become something great. I knew that I had the potential to become an iron golem, and this thought made me happy. Instead, though, I became a snow golem. A snow golem!

Someday I will die, whether it be to creepers, the sun, or humans. But I will die a snow golem, dissatisfied with the life I had lead. Why would this happen to me?

Typical humans, I suppose. They don't have any respect for the mobs around them, relentlessly killing and ruining countless lives. We may be just code, but we have lives too. So why don't the humans stop their endless murder?

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