High School Crush

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I really hope you like my story. This is my first one so I apologise if you don't like it! Enjoy x

'Nikki! Urgh Nikki! Get up you lazy -'

I groaned, inturrupting my brothers sentence. I opened one eye and looked at my alarm clock, 'Curt! It's 6:00 o'clock, I still have over an hour until school starts!' I waved my arms around, hitting him in the face.

'Ow! Jesus Nikki! Just get your ass downstairs!' Curt snapped.

'You wouldn't want to be late for your first day at this school, would you now?' I heard a female voice say.

'Muuuuuuuuum!' I moaned. Someone tugged me out of my duvet cucoon. I was not a morning person, 'Stop it!' I screamed, my eyes still tightly shut, 'I'm freezing!' It was true. The air was cold and I was shivering, 'I'm getting frost bite!'

Curt sniggered then suddenly a pair of hands grabbed me by the feet, another grabbing my arms and cupping my head. I opened my eyes wide, only to discover myself hovering in mid-air, my brother grabbing my legs, my mum behind me.

'Get off! Let go!' I screamed, wriggling around in mid-air.

'Happily.' Curt smirked, letting go of my feet so that they hit the floor with a thud. Before I could scream insults at him, he sauntered out of my room. Grr, the joys of having a big brother.

Mum laid me down gently. I got up instantly, glaring at her, 'thanks for that. What lovely family I have.'

'Hey, Curt was insisting on chucking freezing cold water all over you, I thought this attempt was better, am I wrong?' Mum smiled her usual smile, 'get your butt downstairs in ten, I've made pancakes.'

As reluctant as I was on starting a new school I got in the shower, locking the door safely behind me. As I rinsed my hair with strawberry shampoo, I started thinking about what it'd be like down at Bloomberries High School. According to Curt, it was dull and boring, but weren't most schools dull and boring? I mean, school is school. My old school was fine, I had friends and did okay-ish in lessons, even though they were boring as hell. Was that going to change at Bloomberries? Or was my brother just winding me up? That's such a Curt thing to do, wind me up about something I've been paranoid for months about. I seriously didn't want to go through being the 'new girl' again but I didn't exactly have a choice. Since my dad and mum split up, mum said it'd be easier if me and Curt went to the same High School. I don't see why she couldn't move Curt into my school instead of me moving into his and losing all my friends but apparently Bloomberries is a better school than Hardwhite. Yeah, whatever.

I got out of the shower and waddled back into my room, leaving wet foot marks all along the landing. Whoopsie. I got changed into the uniform mum had brought; it wasn't actually that bad, apart from the tie. It was a sickly green colour which I definitely thought was a massive fashion crisis because the white shirt really brought out its pukiness. Still, I buttoned up my shirt and tied on the puke tie, pulling up my black mini skirt. I blow dried my hair, glancing at the time. Twenty minutes until school started. Crud, I really needed to work out how to not take ages in the shower. Once my hair was dry, I brushed it and checked whether it looked okay in the mirror. For once in my life, my long-ish dark brown that was easily mistaken for black hair was straight and not frizzy, my side fringe lying in the perfect position. I smiled at my reflection, applying a layer of lipgloss and some mascara on my long lashes before running downstairs and into the kitchen.

'Is there any pancakes left?' I asked, my eyes darting around the kitchen than landing on Curt's plate of pancakes.

'Stop eyeing up my pancakes, dweeb!' Curt grinned, exaggeratedly taking a bite out of a pancake.

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