Chapter 20

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"She smelled like her and had some lipgloss on!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as Fluttershy looked over at her friend and she shook her head.

"Maybe since they was hanging out and that's why she smells like her also doesn't Rainbow Dash wear lip gloss?" Fluttershy asked as Pinkie Pie shook her head.

Fluttershy pouted as she saw her best friends eyes was clouded with tears and she had her knees pulled up to her chest and she heard soft cries coming from her friends mouth. Fluttershy moved over and hugged her friend and Pinkie pie gripped onto Fluttershy and let out the cry she's been holding in.

Fluttershy rubbed her back and Pinkie Pie just cried. Whenever you hear your best friend crying it's heartbroken and you want to nothing but to protect you best friend. Now Fluttershy isn't a fighter, but can be if the times comes.

"It'll be okay, just ask Rainbow Dash about it and everything will be okay. She'll explain everything." Fluttershy said as Pinkie Pie nodded and Fluttershy smiled and keep her arms around Pinkie Pie, trying to soothe her.


Pinkie Pie sat on Rainbow Dash's couch, listening to Rainbow Dash talking about the game. She nodded but she wasn't really listening you could say, she was just thinking about what Fluttershy said.

"Rainbow Dash?" Pinkie Pie asked causing Rainbow Dash to look over at her.

"Yeah?" Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie looked over at her, and chewed her bottom lip. She couldn't do it, so she asked her another question.

"When are you parents coming home?" Pinkie Pie asked, causing Rainbow Dash's face dropped.

"Sometimes tomorrow, why?" Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie shrugged.

"I just wanted to know." Pinkie Pie said as she turned her attention back to the tv, Rainbow Dash frowned and looked over at Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash was upset that Pinkie Pie was acting distant, Rainbow Dash didn't like it. She wanted her happy Pinkie Pie, she didn't like this quiet Pinkie Pie. She looked over at her pink haired girlfriend, as if to get her attention from starting, but it wasn't working.

Rainbow Dash frowned but grabbed Pinkie Pie's face and made her face her. Pinkie Pie's blue eyes was clouded with tears and Rainbow Dash used her thumb and wiped away the fallen tears and Pinkie pie leaned onto Rainbow Dash and brought Pinkie Pie close.

At first Pinkie Pie was pushing away, not wanting to be near Rainbow dash, but Pinkie Pie couldn't push away anymore. She let Rainbow Dash hugged Pinkie Pie who was crying, which she wasn't planning to cry at first.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie shook her head and Rainbow Dash sighed and placed her lips against the back of Pinkie Pie's hair and Pinkie Pie cried even more at the sweet touch.

"Y-you cheated." Pinkie Pie let out and Rainbow Dash widened her eyes and hugged Pinkie Pie tighter.

"Why would you think that?" Rainbow Dash asked as Pinkie Pie slammed her fist on her thighs, making Rainbow Dash out and grabbed her hands and wrapped them with hers.

"Y-you came home, you smelled like her! You had lipgloss on! You cheated!" Pinkie Pie yelled as she started to thrash in Rainbow Dash's arms, but Pinkie Pie was trying to get out of them.

"I would never cheat on you! And I smelled like her cause I been in her car!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as Pinkie Pie started to calm down and she broke down ever more. Making Rainbow Dash's heart break.

Rainbow Dash held Pinkie Pie like a baby, and Pinkie Pie started to cry as heard she could. You know those pretty criers who let the tears fall down and don't get their makeup mess up, but Pinkie Pie wasn't the pretty crier, not that Rainbow Dash minded.

Rainbow Dash rocked her back and forth, and kissed her forehead. Trying to soothe her, but it was truly heartbroken hearing that person you love cry, for many different reasons. Actually seeing anyone cry is heartbreaking, because all you want to do is help the person, even if you don't know them.

"I'm sorry." Rainbow Dash whispered making Pinkie Pie close her eyes and let the emotions run through with her.

Rainbow Dash kept her tight grip on her and kissed the top of her head, and making Pinkie Pie bury her head in her hands. Rainbow Dash smiled slightly and hugged her tighter and keep her face in Pinkie Pie's hair.

Not letting her go, since Rainbow Dash already done that once. But now she wasn't ever again.

Heyyo Guys!!!

Sorries for being lates and this is so shorts, but I will give you a longer and better update Monday!!! Wells tells me your thoughts!! Fluttershy??? Rainbow Dash??? Pinkie Pie??? 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!! 

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